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Top 3 Winter Pool Chemical Must-Haves

Winter Pool Chemical

Besides picking the right pool cover, the most important part of winterizing your pool is balancing its water chemistry and reinforcing it with the right winterizing chemicals for the long off-season.

Do the hard work today for an easier tomorrow. 
– Said by Wise Man (Me)

A well-closed pool makes for an easier spring pool opening, but it also protects your pool equipment, pool plumbing, and pool basin from damage.

So, let’s get into the absolute must-haves for closing your pool and ensuring you properly close your pool for the winter.

Preparing Your Pool for Winter

Before you tuck your pool in for its long winter nap, there are a few essential steps to ensure it wakes up in great shape come spring. Proper preparation not only protects your pool but also makes the reopening process a breeze.

Winter Closing Kit

Where else were we going to start? Winter Pool chemical kits include the essentials needed for closing your pool. Whether you have an above ground pool or inground pools, proper preparation is key to protecting your investment.

There are two styles of basic winter covers, solid and mesh; which of these styles you have will likely determine which chemical closing kit you choose. Solid covers block the most sun (UV rays) and should prevent most rain run-off from entering your pool.

Additionally, maintaining balanced water chemistry, including monitoring calcium hardness, is crucial to prevent damage to your pool surfaces and equipment. The basic winterizing kit that includes power and liquid form of winterizer chemicals is most, if not all, of what you need.

Standard Closing Kit Contents

  • Winterizing Powder – Quat algaecide
  • Liquid Winterizer – Quat algaecide

There are two styles of basic winter covers, solid and mesh; which of these styles you have will likely determine which chemical closing kit you choose. Solid covers block the most sun (UV rays) and should prevent most rain run-off from entering your pool. The standard pool closing kit includes essential chemicals like Winterizing Powder and Liquid Winterizer, providing most, if not all, of what you need for proper winterization.

Premium Closing Kit Contents

  • Phosphate Remover – rids pools of phosphates that algae need to bloom
  • Algaecide 30 – eliminates any existing algae; the other half of the 1-2 knockout punch to algae
  • Iron Out Formula II – Metal sequestrant that prevents iron and other chemicals from staining pool surface
  • Winter Close-Up Powder – long-stay algaecide that prevents algae from growing for months.

Premium pool closing kits offer additional chemicals like Phosphate Remover and Algaecide 30 for enhanced protection.

Mesh covers block a percentage of the sun’s UV rays (usually 90 to 99 percent) but allow water to pass through. The mesh winter cover’s ability to drain means you won’t need to break out the old cover pump in December. But, all that untreated water introduces new pool chemistry complications like phosphates, metals, and general dirt and debris.

The downside of the winter chemical kits is that they require the user to be very hands-on through the application. But what if you’re interested in a more laissez-faire approach to winterizing your pool?


For pool owners wanting to avoid the full chemistry kit approach, the WinterPill is the solution for you. Available in two sizes (15,000-gallon or 30,000-gallon pool,) the WinterPill is an all-in-one pool winterizer that only requires your pool water chemistry to be within acceptable ranges before application.

The WinterPill simplifies the process by combining essential winterizing pool chemicals into one easy-to-use product.

The start-up application of the pool WinterPill is as easy as opening the package; use the included port piercer tool to release the liquid. And you’re done!

What can it do?

  • Clarifies Pool Water
  • Reduces risk of staining or scaling
  • Reduces scum line buildup
  • Compatible with All Pool Surfaces
  • Will not negatively affect pool chemistry

Pool Anti-Freeze

When preparing your pool for winter, it’s essential to use non-toxic pool antifreeze to protect your plumbing from freezing temperatures. This product is specifically designed to prevent damage to your pool’s pipes and equipment during the colder months. Maintaining the free chlorine level within the recommended range is crucial for preventing algae growth during the winter.

Using the right pool chemicals, including specific pool closing chemicals, is essential for maintaining water quality and preventing damage. These chemicals help maintain pH balance, prevent algae growth, and ensure the protection of pool equipment during the winter months. Regularly check and clean your pool walls to prevent buildup and damage.

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Matthew Simmons
Swimming pool expert at InyoPools and host of Poolside Chat, brings over a decade of experience in the pool industry.

Swimming Pool Products

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