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Above Ground Pool Repair (Part 1) – Rust Around Skimmer

Above Ground Pool Rust Around Skimmer

Above Ground Pool Rust Around Skimmer

At some point in the life of your above ground pool, odds are that you will start to see rust form around your skimmer. This occurs as moisture gets between the liner and the pool wall. Most of the time this moisture is as a result of a leakage around the skimmer or return fitting or a small leak in the liner. The good thing about rust around the skimmer is that the skimmer is located at the top of the pool wall where there is very little water pressure compared to the bottom of the pool wall. This means that this repair can be done easily at little cost. There are two ways I suggest to tackle the repair of a rusty skimmer. Either you can patch the rusted skimmer opening and cut a new skimmer hole in a good section of the pool wall or you can rebuild the rusted skimmer opening. Below we outline each method.

Cap Rusty Skimmer Opening & Cut a New Opening (Suggested Method)

This is my favorite method of repairing a rusty skimmer. What you will be doing is removing the skimmer from its current location, capping off the old skimmer hole with sheet metal and then cutting a new skimmer opening in a good section of wall, normally one or two wall sections down from the original skimmer placement. Here are the step-by-step instructions when using this approach.

rust around above ground pool skimmer

Drain the pool water to below the skimmer, take off a few top rails to pull back your liner and then remove your skimmer. Next you will cut out a piece of sheet metal to cover the old rusted skimmer hole. The sheet metal will go on the inside wall and is simply secured to the pool wall with several strips of duct tape. When applying you duct tape use several strips of tape as you want to make sure that the edges of the sheet metal do not damage your liner. The duct tape is sufficient to keep the sheet metal in place as there is enough pressure from the pool water to keep it secure. You will now locate a good pool wall panel without rust, normally one or two panels down from the original skimmer opening. Now use your skimmer faceplate as a template to mark your faceplate holes and skimmer opening. Drill your marked faceplate holes with a 1/4” drill bit and use snips to cut out your marked skimmer hole (see our tip below for more detailed instruction on cutting this hole). Next reinstall the skimmer and reattach the liner and top rails. For more detailed information on installing your skimmer, check out our How to Install a Pool Skimmer Guide. In my opinion it is always better to use this approach of capping off the old rusted out skimmer opening rather than trying to repair it, although there are circumstances where you may have a tight location where repairing may be your only choice.

Tip: When cutting a new skimmer hole I have found the following approach to work well. Mark your faceplate holes with a marker and use a ¼” drill bit to drill the two top holes, secure the faceplate to the outside of the pool wall with screws in the top two holes that you have just drilled. Drill the remaining holes. Once you are done drilling, mark the skimmer opening with a marker and remove the faceplate. Use a razor knife to score the skimmer opening that you have marked in marker on the pool wall and go over this mark two to three times with the razor knife. Take a 2” hole saw and drill a hole in the center of the marked skimmer opening then use tin snips to cut from the center of the hole to each of the four corners. This leaves you with four wings of metal that you can easily bend back and forth to remove. Finally, flatten out any rough edges with a piece of wood and a hammer.

Rebuilding a Rusty Skimmer Opening

If your circumstances don’t allow for you to cap off the rusty skimmer opening then repairing the current skimmer opening may be your best or only option. In the steps below we will explain how you can make your own skimmer repair plate out of sheet metal. On a quick side note, if you don’t want to make your own skimmer plate then there are skimmer repair plates which can be found online which fit the most common skimmers and also include the hardware to secure the plate to your pool wall.

pool skimmer repair plate

If you decide to go with the skimmer repair plate method then you will start off by draining the pool water to below the skimmer to allow you to remove your skimmer and a few top rails. Next pull back your liner to access your skimmer opening. To rebuild your skimmer opening, you will cut back the rusted area of the pool wall to just beyond where the skimmer will attach. This ensures the skimmer will attach to just the sheet metal and not the sheet metal and the old pool wall. You will not want the skimmer to be placed over both the sheet metal and the original above ground pool wall as doing so creates a tendency to leak. Next you will take a piece of flat sheet metal and cut it so that it covers the entire skimmer hole in the wall of the pool. When determining the size of the sheet metal, you will want to make sure that your sheet metal is large enough to screw into the good portions of the wall (i.e. not the rusted portion of the wall). Next secure the sheet metal to the inside of the wall using screws or rivets along with duct tape. So, at this point you have a piece of sheet metal riveted or screwed to the inside wall of your pool covering up the old skimmer opening and the sharp edges of the sheet metal and screws are covered with duct tape. Now take the skimmer faceplate and place this on the outside of the pool wall and mark the faceplate holes onto the sheet metal using the faceplate as your template. Next drill the faceplate screw holes you have marked. Next, mark the opening of the skimmer onto the sheet metal by once again using the skimmer faceplate as your guide. Now cut out the skimmer opening on the sheet metal using the tip listed above for cutting a skimmer opening. Next reinstall the skimmer and reattach the liner and top rails. For more detailed information on installing your skimmer, check out our How to Install a Pool Skimmer Guide.

Pool Rust Prevention & Repair

If your pool doesn’t currently have rust then here are a few things you can do to help reduce the chance of rust occurring. Once again moisture is the main culprit for rust so anything you can do to avoid moisture collecting between the pool wall and liner will help you out a ton. Use a good liner pad like Gorilla pad as this material is designed to breathe and on the flip side it will help with reducing moisture. Do not use plastic sheeting or carpet underneath your liner as this has the opposite effect as these items accumulate moisture and will accelerate the rusting process. Use a wall foam between your liner and pool wall. This foam barrier between your liner and pool wall will help reduce the amount of moisture that comes in contact with your pool wall. Check your skimmer and return fittings to make sure you don’t have any leaks. This is a common problem and typically can be repaired by an easy gasket change. Do an exterior inspection of your pool. If you see any rust spots on the outside of your pool then the inside will be much worse as the rust forms in the inside of the pool wall and works its way out in most cases. If you do spot rust then you will need to assess the severity. If it just appears to be surface rust then I would suggest sanding down the spot and then spraying it with rustoleum. I have had good luck with Rustoleum Cold Galvanizing Spray. If the rust has started to go all the way through the wall then I would suggest patching with sheet metal. You would have to cut sheet metal large enough to cover the area and then duct tape the sheet metal on to the inside of the pool wall to cover the area. When duct taping, use double or triple layers to cover up any sharp edges of the sheet metal to protect your liner. Finally, if you are installing a new pool, you may consider a resin wall pool. A resin pool has many of its components like top rails, uprights and tracks made out of plastic. This means these are areas of the pool where you do not need to worry about rust.

Share Your Pool Rust Story

If you are experiencing rust around your pool skimmer and are looking to repair then please post the details in the comment section and we would be happy to try and help. If you have already gone through the process of repairing rust on your pool, we would love to hear your story on how you have tackled the task. We always love to learn from our community.

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Patrick Paroline

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29 responses to “Above Ground Pool Repair (Part 1) – Rust Around Skimmer”

  1. Mike Avatar

    Good info on moving skimmer. Putting metal over old skinner hole. But nothing said what do bout hole left in liner from old skimmer

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Hey Mike, good follow-up question.

      If your skimmer hole is so far gone you must move it to another location, it will cause you to replace your liner because above ground liners are virtually impossible to “re-install.” I have seen some attempts to patch the skimmer hole in a liner but it was not appealing to the eye nor sturdy, for that matter.

  2. Mike Avatar

    Can I change my small mouth skimmer to wide mouth skimmer using the same skimmer hole

  3. William Goffredo Avatar


  4. MD Avatar

    We bought a house the end of summer last year with an above ground chlorine treated pool. A few days ago, I noticed a small rust stain running down the side of the pool below the skimmer. At the bottom of that rust trail (the bottom of the wall) was a noticeable rust spot. Sounds like this could be BIG trouble. There is no water running down the trail.

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      Yep. Sounds like big trouble. Take a screw driver and poke at the wall where there’s rust. If it pokes through, then big trouble.

  5.  Avatar

    I need help

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Can you be a little more specific?

  6. Travis N Avatar

    Got problems with rust under my skimmer…water has leaked down wall and left big rust spot a bottom. Screwdriver did not poke through wall. I sanded it down and sprayed with rustoleum…do you think flex seal will help me get through summer?

    1. Jennifer Avatar

      We are having the exact same issue this weekend once opening it. Linking in to the thread to follow. Don’t want to close it right back up and just need to get through this summer!

    2. Dan Dougher Avatar

      If you couldn’t poke thru the wall, then you are most likely Ok. Most likely.

    3. Denise in Simpsonville KY Avatar

      I did this last year and in December it collapsed by pool wall and tore the liner. Do something now because my mfr isn’t even taking new orders because of the back log from last year. I’m devastated and so is my Irish setter Rusty. My pool was 25 yo vintage doughboy.

      1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

        I’ve said it time and time again when a pool gets a little Rusty that’s when it’s going to fall apart.

  7. Jeanne Avatar

    Hi great information! You seem extremely knowledgeable! What gauge sheet metal do I use? Thanks Jeanne

  8. Dan Dougher Avatar

    For a wall repair I assume? I don’t know but you can’t just buy sheet metal that size anywhere so when you do find it, it’ll be from a metal fabricator or someone in that field. Tell them what you need the sheet metal for and they will know.

  9. Dale Avatar

    do you have anything or ideas to replace / repair the inlet hole that is rusted?

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      I would say to make a new hole for a new return fitting. Make sure you cut the hole the right size with a good hole saw. Don’t butcher it with tin snips or something stupid like that. Then tape a piece of sheet metal over the old rusty hole(from the inside).

      1. Linda Avatar

        Is there any way to repair a rusted inlet hole without replacing the liner?

  10. Alex Avatar

    Can you replace small mouth skimmer to wide mouth skimmer? Does it make a difference?

    Thank you

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      Yes you can. I’ve done it.

  11. Joe Moore Avatar

    Do you do service calls on the horshampa area have a rusty inlet hole and rust around skimmer wanted to know if you would put new holes in and patch old ones. 20 year old ester williams 21 round pool. Thanks Joe

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Hello Joe – Dan is based in and services pools in the Central Florida area.

  12.  Avatar

    I have a section of rust about 24inch round (to get rid of all the rust) where are wall replacement kits avail?
    Its on opposite sice of where the skimmer is. is there a part 2 to this? can’t find how to get to it if there is..
    thanks wally

  13. Andrew Olsen Avatar

    Hello- I am in the process of moving my Doughboy pool from dirt to a concrete pad. I am treating everything and cleaning it up nice. One issue I am seeing are the skimmer hols have a dip in them….like a worn bend. I am wondering if some kind of grommets would repair this. It’s not rust but a wear. Also I have pressure washed the whole pool wall bottom and only found a few light rusted areas. Would you recommend coating them with rustoleum paint primer and then covering that with aluminum tape? And would you also recommend aluminum tape for the whole bottom around the pool? Sorry for the 20 questions…..just trying to prolong the life of this pool. Heck its better than an Intex!!!

  14. Evelyn Avatar

    My skimmer area is rusted., I can see the liner. Can I use “metal patch and fill” and place a piece of wire screen around the edges and continue to build it up?

  15. Damon Avatar

    This is near the end for the pool. The swimming pool came with a house that I bought in 1999. I replaced the liner about 10 years ago. There was some rust then, and I just painted over it with RUSTOLEUM which seemed like a good enough plan to help get the pool open by start of July. Fast forward to present year, and I noticed some slight bubbling underneath the return but didn’t think much of it. A month later the rust has broken open and there’s now a hole about the size of a laptop. Amazingly — the liner hasn’t busted yet but bulges at the opening.

    I broke off the rust that I could flake off by hand then bent back the edges with pliers. Now what do I do? It’s about time to close the pool for the year, then I think that’s it. This may be the end of the functional pool. I don’t think that there’s a quick fix, and the pool has exceeded its lifespan.

    Admit defeat and let the rust run amok all winter. I’ve placed a rubber mat over the bulge and pressed some boards between the deck and pool to gently keep the mat in place.

    Life story of a pool. The end @ full life cycle. Plan to dissemble next year. No need to paint the pool deck, since it’s in the same life cycle.

    Backyard size may double.

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      Your pool could burst open at any time. Don’t underestimate the power of water. Drain that dinosaur and take it down so you can then not have to worry about someone getting hurt.

  16. Rob Avatar

    I had a installer in the central florida area install my pool last spring. When he installed the pool light on the return he failed to use the supplied gasket. This leaked and caused some rusting of my pool wall. Can I just sand this down and spray it or should i be more concerned. I tried multiple times to get him back out but he stopped replying to my messages

  17. Cathy Avatar

    Can I fiber glass over the old Skimmer opening

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