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Best Methods to Prevent Pool Circulation Dead Spots

Best Methods to Prevent Pool Circulation Dead Spots

One of the keys to healthy water is strong and thorough pool circulation. Water circulation ensures that the full volume of your pool is filtered and sifted for dirt and sanitized by either your tablet chlorinator or salt system, and a strong current prevents dirt from settling on your floor. A strong return line flow and pulling force from a pool skimmer and main drain prevented debris and dirt from settling on your pool floor and walls. 

If your pump is not producing enough flow or parts of your plumbing are not set up correctly, circulation dead spots can form. If your pool has a certain corner that debris seems to get trapped in, whether it floats or settles in a corner, you have a circulation dead spot in the pool.

These dead spots can lead to piles of uncollected debris, increasing chlorine demand. Suppose the circulation is not corrected or the chlorination is not increased to counterbalance. In that case, this algae bloom is more likely to happen, causing a green pool, hazy water, heavy chloramine smells, and a general bad swimming experience.

Adjust the Size of Your Return Inlets

If you’ve tried the cleaning steps, and the water pressure from your pump is just what it is, then replacing your return inlet eyeballs with a narrower diameter should give your pool return pressure a boost. For example, if you have a ¾-inch return eyeball, consider dropping down to a ½-inch eyeball. By narrowing the eyeball inlet hole, the force of the water should be increased, even if the pool pump flow rate has not been increased.

If you do make this change, be sure that you replace all the return sockets with the same size inlet. Water will follow the path of least resistance. So, if you have two return lines, and downsize the inlet of just one of them. You may end up increasing water flow to only the larger return line port.

Adjust Your Return Line Nozzles

Pool Return Jet Nozzle Positioning
Pool Return Jet Nozzle Positioning

If the pool has adjustable return jet nozzles, ensure the nozzle is pointed at your skimmer and downwards on the pool floor. The directional flow will help agitate settled dirt, keeping it suspended and churning your water from the bottom up to increase circulation.

Change Your Wall Return Fitting Design

Infusion Venturi Wall Return Fitting, 1-1/2" MPT, White - VRFTHWH
Infusion Venturi Wall Return Fitting 1 12 MPT White VRFTHWH

If your current return fittings aren’t cutting it, it may be time for a change. That’s where the uniquely designed wall return fittings like the Infusion Venturi come in handy. The Infusion Venturi features an adjustable eyeball inlet coupled with a louvered, venturi-inducing shell that enhances circulation.

When positioned downward, water is drawn in through the louvers to help increase water circulation in your pool, top to bottom. This cyclical churn helps improve water filtration and sanitation by ensuring no flow dead zones. The Infusion also touts that it makes your pool more comfortable by regulating and diffusing heat throughout the entire pool.

Clean Your Pump Strainer Basket & Skimmer Baskets

Cleaning Out a Pool Skimmer Basket
Cleaning Out a Pool Skimmer Basket via How To Maintain Your Swimming Pool Weekly YouTube

The most often overlooked choke points for a pool plumbing system are the pool’s skimmer basket and the pool pump strainer; these baskets are the first line of defense, trapping leaf and dirt debris before they can muck up your plumbing. But being first in line also means they are the first to get clogged.

If you notice a drop in water pressure, clear out your skimmer and pump baskets for a quick boost.

Inspect and Adjust Plumbing Valve if Needed

Ensure your pool diverter valves are set for maximum flow by checking their position. At some point, you may have closed the main drain line or didn’t completely set the diverter in position, leaving a vital plumbing line partially blocked. 

Position your pool plumbing valves to ensure the suction and return lines are fully open for maximum water flow.

If you’re still having trouble figuring out what you need, feel free to contact us via chat, support tickets, or call 407-834-2200 for assistance!

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Matthew Simmons
Swimming pool expert at InyoPools and host of Poolside Chat, brings over a decade of experience in the pool industry.

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