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Out of Shape Above Ground Pools

how do I prevent above ground pool from becoming misshapen?

I often say, “Above ground pools aren’t Swiss watches.” I usually say this to lower the expectations of pool owners for whom I’m about to install as some think just a little too highly of above grounds. Most of these pools are great and certainly worth the money. When installed correctly and maintained well, they will last many years providing the same enjoyment that other more expensive pools provide. However, they’re far from perfect.

Building above ground swimming pools takes a certain attitude. I am somewhat of a perfectionist so it took me some years before I finally got the concept. And that concept is having a “make-it-work” attitude. Above grounds usually come with poor and vague installation instructions. Just about everything with an above ground is adjustable and the few dimensions given in manuals are painfully inaccurate. Do-it-yourselfers often quickly abandon the numbers that come with their pool’s manual and they should because these numbers are almost always wrong. The numbers will be close, but not exact and we’re not playing horseshoes here. Or are we?

Above Ground Pools, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades

There are different do-it-yourselfers in the world spanning from the “it-has-to-be-absolutely-perfect” all the way to the “if-it’s-standing-today-it’s-fine”. As a guy who has built thousands of above grounds and seen thousands that were built by novices, I’d say it’s best if neither of these extreme do-it-yourselfers attempt to build one. If you fall somewhere in the middle, then you should be OK. However, there are a couple of key things that have to be done right at least somewhat. Getting the pool’s shape right is one of those key things.

So what is meant by the pool’s shape? I mean you’ve bought a 24’ round pool. Won’t it be a 24’ circle of water? Well, it should, but may not be as an above ground pool can end up being more like the shape of an egg instead of a circle. As an example, a 24’ round pool can be 25’ across one way and 23’ across in the opposite direction and still stay up, have a liner free of wrinkles and hold water for years. It probably won’t last as long as a correctly shaped pool, but these wonky eggs can last longer than I often think. The same holds true for oval-shaped pools, but it’s more important for an oval-shaped pool to be its proper shape. Ovals are a pain to build regardless as they need to be squared as well. They lose their shape quickly when they aren’t correctly squared. In the end, the oval-shaped pool will be up and hold water, but only after a lot of swearing and cutting and beers.

Getting an above ground to its correct shape is important becauset it will make it last longer, but there’s a more important reason. When a pool is out of shape, nothing fits right during the installation. Everything will be a struggle as the wall may not line up, the top rails won’t go together right, the uprights may be tilted, and it will be more of a challenge getting the liner straight.

How Does a Pool Get Built Out of Shape?

Well, that’s easier to do than you think. Back in the eighties when I started building these things, most of our pools were built out of shape. We didn’t know any better so it didn’t matter much. We just swore more, bled a lot, and the pool looked off, but we still got paid because people didn’t know any different. There are two main ways a pool gets built out of shape. The first is the bottom track isn’t shaped right initially or at all. And the second way occurs when the pool wall comes together. The bottom tracks of above ground swimming pools have to be assembled by sliding them into connectors. Nothing is precise so there are adjustable gaps in the connectors and the track doesn’t sit perfectly in them either. The result is the track can easily become a shape other than what it is supposed to be.

The other way a pool gets built out of shape is not a result of a lack of building ability, but because the pool is not precise. The bottom track can be set perfectly in place being truly round and level and according to the dimensions of the pool. Then when the wall is rolled into this track and set in the groove, the wall can wind up longer or shorter than the track itself. When this happens, the track must be adjusted as the pool’s wall is in one continuous piece and cannot be shortened or lengthened. The result is the track gets moved inward or outward depending on if the wall was longer or shorter than the track. Are you following me here? If the track isn’t adjusted evenly, then the pool winds up not being shaped properly.

Frustration Meter at 10!

I’d like to add that these above ground pools aren’t built in a test room. Rolling out a long four-foot wide piece of sheet metal and standing it into a track is hard enough. When you consider that it’s hot and there’s dirt and the wind is blowing, it is downright challenging! Often it’s nothing short of a miracle that a couple of guys got that wall spun all the way around and that it is still standing. Then they discover that the wall is longer than the track. As the wall is in danger of blowing down and damaging itself and/or the track and since it cannot be cut, these guys are in a time-sensitive pickle. (This is one of those moments when DIY Bob remembers how expensive he thought my installation price was). The dangers of the wall blowing down and it not fitting induce panic and anger so these guys will then lengthen the bottom track in any way they can to get the wall to line up. And that is how the pool becomes egg-shaped.

So How Then Do I Make Sure My Pool Has the Correct Shape?

Get it a gym membership. Just kidding. Here are some tips to help get and keep your above ground pool in the right shape during installation:

Only Round Pools

  1. Assemble the bottom track where the pool is going to be placed.
  2. Measure across from each opposing connector plate and adjust in or out to get the desired diameter. Example: For a 24’ round pool, measure 24’ straight across each of the connectors. There are usually 16 connectors for that size so you are measuring across in eight different spots.
  3. Once you have the circle measured out evenly, secure the track somehow so it doesn’t move much during the installation of the wall.
  4. Level the track. Don’t move the track when leveling (pros level the track while it’s in place. If you are going to do it “YouTube style” then level your blocks somehow beforehand and good luck with that).
  5. Time to insert the pool’s wall. Secure the track so it won’t move much during the wall’s installation. How you ask? Use sticks or screwdrivers or something of the like. Make sure whatever you use doesn’t get in the way of installing the wall. You’ll know what that means soon enough.
  6. If the inserted ends of the wall line up, then you’re good. Bolt that bad boy together and move on.

6(a) If the wall is like a broke uncle and comes up short, shake the wall inward in several places around and pull it toward the gap at the wall ends. This will shorten the track. Line up the wall’s bolt holes from both ends and bolt the wall together.

6(b) If the wall winds up being too long, shake the wall outward and kick the wall out in several places. This will lengthen the track. As the track expands, the wall will move outward with it. Line up the moved wall’s holes and bolt together.

  1. If 6(a) or (b) occurred, the wall moved in or out, remeasure the track diameter from the inside in several spots and move the wall and track as needed to make it round again.
  2. Your pool is now round. Proceed with the building.

Oval-shaped pools are a lot trickier and since this blog post is already too long, I’ll have to explain about these some other time. Good luck.

If you have any questions on your above ground pool then we would be happy to help, feel free to give us a call at 1-877-372-6038 or email us at If you liked this article then make sure to sign up for Blog and get our Free 128 Page Pool Care Guide.

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Dan Dougher

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90 responses to “Out of Shape Above Ground Pools”

  1. Andrew Thomas Avatar

    Have a 24 foot oval shaped pool. The bottom track keeps sliding out in a couple spots while we were putting the wall up. Got that fixed. But when we bolted the wall together two pieces of the track came lose again. Is there anyway to fix this before I preceeding to the next step without taking the wall back out of the track where it has came lose.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      A reply from Dan, himself:

      “It usually doesn’t matter if the track is out from under the wall. If the wall is level and in the shape it is suppose to be, then you can proceed. The bottom track is just for guidance during the install and has little purpose once the wall is up and the pool is full.


      1.  Avatar

        I have the same issue. The track came out from under the wall. So this will not effect the pool?

      2.  Avatar

        we were struggling with putting it in the track thank you Mathew for helping

      3. theresa Avatar

        i was told by 4 pool guys – the wall MUST BE in the tracking or there will be disaster? i have 10ft wall that came out from track and it is bolted – i don’t think i can proceed with the liner and water instal

    2. Ray Avatar

      Use some bricks or blocks under that section of bottom track to hold it up level. If possible, kick the upright post over a little to get the connector back in to the bottom track. If the connector doesn’t go back in by moving the post a little, that’s okay too. Mostly just make sure the bottom track is level.

  2. Bill Avatar

    Trying to put up a 24′ round pool. Thought everything was going great til we tried to put on the top stabilizer bars and couldn’t fit all the bars on. The circumference of the pool in about 3 inches too small. Also tried to dry fit the top rails and they don’t fit in two spots. One spot is too long the other too short. We were very careful making sure the bottom was round measuring around the bottom of the pool in different spots many times after the wall was up. Then marked the location of the bottom plates on the patio blocks to keep it in round. One plate is off about a half inch the rest are good. Also some of the wall supports are not plum front to back. We can move them into plum, but they don’t stay. Wondering what went wrong and how to fix it? Thanks!

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      I think what went wrong is you are trying to build an above ground pool with the mentality of a German watch maker. I am somewhat of a perfectionist so please believe me when I say “there nothing precision about an above ground swimming pool”. Pull this and push that to make the thing go together. We have to cut top rails and stabilizer bars all the time to make it work. Get it together and fill it up. Believe me, the water will dictate most things with the shape of your pool. And it will also tell you if you did something wrong.

      1.  Avatar

        I am having same issue, about 4” too long. If we cut it to fit, will this affect the top rails?

    2. Angel Avatar

      We have same issue how did you fix?

  3. Jane Avatar

    We have a 15’x 30′ “professionally” installed oval. It has been up and full for about 2 weeks. We have noticed that the side straight wall is sticking out about 2″. Is this something that will affect the life of the pool?

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      Probably not. Those oval’s straight sides don’t always come out straight.

  4. Mandy Avatar

    We have put up a 24″ pool and the beaded liner just doesn’t seem to want to fit properly. When measured from “east to west”, the pool is 23’11”. When measured “north to south” it’s 24’1″. Should that minimal difference in measurement make a difference in how the liner fits? It seems to pull too tightly on the longer diameter. Our pool dealer said the bottom seam should sit below the cove (we used a foam cove) but it’s sitting about six inches above the bottom of the floor all the way around. My husband is a licensed machinist, so your comment above about building a pool like a German watch-maker is fitting. We have started filling the pool with hose water, and it’s about three inches deep right now. Will the water stretch the liner to make it fit better? This has been a crazy ordeal, and I’d love for it to be put to rest so we can just enjoy the pool.

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      Some think liners come misshaped and I am one of them. The liner could be a little egg shaped. And your pool isn’t out of round enough to cause an issue so don’t worry. It should be fine. Don’t let that bottom round seam bug you. It doesn’t matter where it is sitting. as long as the liner is holding the water.

  5. Big moe Avatar

    Here is a scenario for you…. pool track down, measures perfectly 21 ft at all 8 cross points which is pool diameter. Wall goes in, top meets perfectly but going down wall is too long. All bottom rails are butted up to each other in joined plates so track cannot shrink anymore. And track is level within 1/2 with a transit…. any suggestions?

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      Hi and yes. You have to do whatever it takes to be able to bolt the wall together. Believe it or not, wearing white smochs and all, above ground pool manufacturers don’t always get the math right.

  6. Amy Avatar

    Here is my dilemma… we have a 21′ round above ground pool that my husband and I have been trying to put up. We put the liner in this weekend and it doesn’t fit. We measured the pool and realized that our pool is actually out of shape. It is 21′ 8″ long on one end (where the liner is only an inch over the walls on both ends) and 19′ 4″ on the short side, where it has about 12″ of overhang. The problem is, we used styrofoam as a pool base, and so we don’t have much room to move the pool without actually tearing the liner, and poolcove down and cutting up the insulation floor, and we wouldn’t know how much to cut, and where exactly. Any advice on this?

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      My advice will always default to doing the job right which in your case means you have to re-shape the pool. Make it round this time. You’ll have to get the styrofoam out of the way so cut about a foot of it out around the perimeter so you have room for the wall to move. When you get the pool more round, Replace the styrofoam any way you can. Oh and you’ll probably need a new liner. That’s how it gets fixed right.

  7. Lisa Geiger Avatar

    I have my 33 x 18 oval pool up and what with the wind and the difficulty inserting the wall into the tracks, I was astonished the the wall ends came together perfectly. Now I notice that one end appears about an inch and a half lower. I read that it’s not okay to simply put pavers underneath the posts to raise that small section. Is that true?

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      You can raise the wall with pavers under the uprights. But only so much because the rest of the bottom of the pool will still be at the original lower level. Raising the wall too high without raising the rest of the bottom may give you coving issues. Bad ones.

  8. Janie Avatar

    I have a 15′ x 52′ pool. I’m trying to replace the liner. It’s flush against the wall except for about 3′. It’s bowing out like a balloon. It has about a foot of water in it now. Should I continue filling it & hope for the best? It’s balloning out were I will be cutting the skimmer & outflow holes.

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      If the liner is ballooning out and away from the inside of the wall, then yes, just keep filling and you are probably ok. If the wall of the pool is ballooning out, then be afraid. Be very afraid and don’t let any children or small dogs get near it.

  9. will Avatar

    just finshed putting 15×30 oval together. water is about a foot high. noticed a couple uprights lean in and a couple lean out. the whole pool is within a 1/4 inch of being level. will the leaning correct itself when filled more with water? i stopped the water because if i have to take apart and do over id rather do it now then waste 1000s of gallons

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      I’m not sure but it’s probably ok. It could be catastrophic too but that’s not likely. Ovals are tough to build so you just more than likely are a little off on the shape of the pool and it’ll be fine. It would be impossible to tell without me being there to look at it. At this point, it’s best for you to just continue to fill and see what happens. Just don’t let any kids play around it until you know it will hold all that water. If it doesn’t move much more, than you are good. The only danger here is if the wall comes apart at where you bolted it(not likely) or if you didn’t connect the buttress straps together. Otherwise, it’ll be just another slightly off shaped oval. A lot of them are.

  10. Brennan Avatar

    So about those vertical supports… I’ve gotten my 18′ 52″ pool up (with the help of a small army) and started filling it up. Only to discover that the “eyeballed” plumbing of the vertical supports are all over the place and in some cases 2-3″ of being out of plumb within a 4′ level. I’ve tried taking the top rail loose in different places and pushing and pulling the top of the vertical supports to try and plumb the posts, but as I move one, then the others change. I’ve since dropped the water level to about 12″ of water and was thinking about putting a ratchet strap all around the top, loosening all of the top rails, and trying to ratchet the top into a circle and then tighten all of the top rails at the same time.. Thoughts?! Is there a better way?

  11. Craig Avatar

    I have a 15 x 30 oval that was professionally installed 3 years ago. The side walls have always bowed out between the posts on both of the long sides of the pool. The installer said this would go away over time but it never has. Should I be concerned about this? I don’t care about how it looks, I just want to make sure it’s not something to worry about.

    1.  Avatar

      We have a 15 x 30 also and ours is designed that way.. a curve between each post.

    2. Laura C, Hamilton Ohio Avatar

      We just had ours installed and I wondered the same thing. Ours is a 15×30 oval also.

    3. Matt E. Avatar

      We just installed our oval, and it was clear in the instructions that this bowing on the straight sides is to be expected. Water is heavy…straight sides are really just a series of bowed sections between the uprights.

      1.  Avatar

        Oh if you are 2” to 3” off of plumb in 4’ This is simple fix replace leader of small army with qualified person and start over 🤷‍♂️

  12.  Avatar

    We have a 27’ pool and the wall collapsed and came out of the track last winter. Now we can’t get it into the track well. What can we do?

  13. Jessica Avatar

    I have an 18’ round 54” deep pool it’s been up and full for about 2 weeks I just noticed on one side the wall has come out of the bottom track about 5’ of the wall is out of the track the wall isn’t buckled or anything and seems ok I’m finding mixed reviews on what to do or if it will be fine any suggestions?

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      The wall can be out of the bottom track. The track will sag down in between the bottom connectors(where the uprights are) and slide off the bottom of the wall. This makes no difference so don’t be concerned at all. The track has little structural value. It’s all about the wall. And the wall can’t move too much. Not with thousands of gallons of water pushing against it.

  14. deanna Avatar

    we just finally put the liner in our 24 ft above ground pool and started filling it but one of the sides the liner came out if the beading …… not ver much and cant pull back up:( what’s the best way to fix??

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      If you can’t pull it up, then you’ll have to drain the pool some. When you’ve drained it enough to pull the liner back up and in the channel, you can insert some coins in the failed area of the channel. That should keep the liner in place when you refill.

  15. Elizabeth Avatar

    I just got my 12×24 oval pool professionally installed and as I was filling it up I noticed 3 of the posts are not straight, they are leaning sideways on the one end of the pool. Should I be worry about it? Or should I make the guys fix it before I continue filling it up? Thanks in advance for your answer.

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      If they are leaning to the left or right, then I wouldn’t worry about it. You (or the installer) may be able to straighten them some by adjusting at the bottom. Ovals are tough to build and often don’t fit together well. Now, If you mean the uprights are leaning outward from the bottom up, then it’s still ok but that’s a little worse and most likely cannot be adjusted.

  16. Holly Avatar

    We put up a used 24 foot oval pool last year and after the first Minnesota winter (a rough one too) the side walls has come out of the tracks on one side. It’s created a small ripple of the metal at the top in one area. Any suggestion on how to fix?

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      I don’t know how that would happen? Is the pool in the ground at all? The wall can’t just lift unless you had some frost heaving(which I know nothing about since I live in Florida). If this is an oval pool, some ovals have poor designs and will lift where the straight sides start to turn if you don’t have a giant cove to keep them weighted down. It’s hard for me to comment on this without seeing some pics of it.

      1. Holly Avatar

        The pool is fully above ground. As I mentioned the winter in MN was very bad this year and we saw several different issues with the -50 temps and ice that formed everywhere. It is the straight sides that are lifting. I’d be happy to send some pictures if you can help me determine the next best course of action. Thank you.

        1. Dan Dougher Avatar

          OK. You’ll have to send the pics to Inyo and then they forward them to me. I don’t work in their building.

  17. Steve Avatar

    I’m currently building a 12 x 24 oval. The blocks and cuffs are within a 1/2” of level of each other. However, I am noticing that the bottom grata is are not sitting perfection the ground in a few spots. This pool is a semi above ground (rated for it) and will have 6” of soil above the base of the walls. Can I pack the sand under the bottoms rails in these locations or should I dig everything out further do the tracks sit on the ground in all spots?

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      I have no idea what a “grata” is but as long as your bottom track is level, squared, and properly shaped, you are good to just pack dirt in the lower areas.

  18. Melissa Avatar

    I have a 30 ft round pool. I bought the pool used. It’s in great condition and we installed a need liner. We have been putting this thing up for three days. Today we started filling it up and it’s about half full and I notice that about 3’ of the wall has came out of the track. Also on another section of the pool the wall is buckled. (Indented in) Should I be worried? I need help these three days have been horrible! Please help

    1. Melissa Avatar

      Sorry!! Lol. Also It is completely put together with top rails on🤦‍♀️

    2. Dan Dougher Avatar

      You are probably ok based on what you say here. Probably. Keep filling.

  19. David Pearson Avatar

    We purchased a used 16ft doughboy and when we went to put it up we noticed the joint bar along with the track was messed up. We are unable to use the joint bar. What is the best way to connect the pool wall with out the joint bar. We were thinking steel on the inside and out and then bolting them together.

    1. Dan Dougher Avatar

      This is a dangerous retro-fit you are talking about here. This is where all the weight of the water is held together, so doing it wrong will result in a blowout which can be dangerous. I have seen many ways these pool walls have bolted or been connected by several manufacturers, so I would be confident in coming up with a way to do this. For you though or anyone else(even a seasoned installer) I don’t advise trying this. If you’re gonna do it anyway, the only advice I can give you is to over-build the hell out of it.

  20. Tammy Avatar

    We put up a 24 ft round pool and it’s is out of shape .. what should I do or will it be ok it’s over 24 in one area and less than 24 in another area ..-how many inches am I allowed ..
    Also it’s a beaded liner and the silver tops on one side keeps popping out when I put the top rails on will that stop that .. and it’s the side that’s couple inches shorter .. but pool seems to be level..

    1. Tammy Avatar

      And it’s buckling in on two sides in the middle

    2. Dan Dougher Avatar

      You’re asking a guy who likes to do things as right as they can be done. With that, my advice is to take the liner out, remove your coving, then kick your wall to a good round shape. Use a tape measure from inside to inside and adjust. Then re-set any blocks/pavers underneath the uprights and make sure they are still level. This is not an easy fix,btw.

      Now, if you are fed up with it and want to just leave it alone, I have seen 24′ round pools maybe 6-8 inches out of round and those giant eggs still stay up. I wouldn’t say that is fine or anything but that’s what I’ve seen. Oh and installing the liner in an egg is a challenge.

  21. Curtis Avatar

    I have a 27 ft above ground pool that I replaced the liner in. Now that it is 3/4 full of water I found that the wall tried to buckle in. I found that some of the top stabilizers were not center with the post. My question is can I take the stabilizers loose to move them around to get them to line up right? I also have ratchet straps all the way around the top of the pool to help support it.

  22. Ryan Avatar

    I have put together a used 24 foot round pool X 48 in. w/ overlap liner. I put the liner in but was not careful enough to get in the very centre (and/or it is not perfectly round). I put the water to it, about 12 in. so far; but I am wondering if I should drain and try to reposition. A couple of inches of the liner wall is lying flat on the ground, and on that side I only have maybe 1.5 to 2 inches of overlap; whereas, the remainder of the over is at about 7-8 inches.
    Thoughts or advice?

  23. Valerie penney Avatar

    We are installing our 12×24 pool. It’s level, wall met up and joined well. Finding now that the covers for the uprights aren’t reaching all the way to the bottom is some cases. So not able to screw in. What could be causing this? Does this effect structural? Someone said you don’t need to screw them on.

  24. Karla Salyers Avatar

    We recently had a 18×33 oval pool installed. This morning I noticed that on one corner of the pool you can feel what appears to be a metal rod that runs all the way to the bottom. You can see and feel the imprint of it. Is this normal?

    1. John Hansen Avatar

      That’s probably where they connected the outside wall of the pool, normally there’s a flat reinforcement that they bolt through and then cover with tape…my guess is that is what you are feeling.

  25. K Salyers Avatar

    We recently had a 18×33 oval pool installed. This morning I noticed there is what appears to be a metal rod on one corner that runs to the bottom of the pool. You can see and feel the imprint of it through the liner. Is this normal?

  26. daniel green Avatar

    i currently just put up a 24ft pool i hired people to put it up for me. they started putting water in it and got it about half way till i noticed that the pool reads 24ft 8 inches around on all post but 2 those read 23ft 8 inches. is this pool even safe to let my kids swim in?

  27. K Werner Avatar

    We put up a 24 ft round pool (52″ deep) on a cement pad with padding underneath it. It is level and everything seemed fine as we are filling it until yesterday. I let our daughter swim in it even though it is only about 2/3 full. Now I notice on one side the bottom rail has lifted up off the cement about 3/4″, and we can see the liner underneath. My husband thinks it is because our daughter was splashing around before the pool was full.

    Do we need to lower the water and try to get that wall back down on the ground? If we keep filling it, is it just going to burst?

    Thanks so much. Your blog is incredibly helpful!

  28. Derek Avatar

    I just installed a 12’x18′ oval and once filled I noticed the top rails of one side of the pool were solid, as they should be, and the other side were moving quite a bit. All the screws are tight yet I can still move the pool wall/top rail in and out. The pool is fairly level within 1″. Im concerned with the amount if movement as it seams it will only get worse the more the pool gets used. Any advice or comments would be appreciated and would put my mind at ease.

  29. Connie Miller Avatar

    Hi, We just moved our 18 x 54 round above ground pool to our new yard, it’s been about a month since we filled it and have been swimming in it, now the problem, on one side right at the bottom of the upright the wall is bowing outwards, it wasn’t there before and it’s looks as if the the wall in the track is bending in right below the bow, is this dangerous is the pool wall going to collapsed? Please helped I’m worrying myself sick!!!

  30. Lori Avatar

    Hi we have a 15 foot round above ground pool that was installed last year and has staggered bolts where the bolts are the pool is buckling in the installer came back out and made sure everything was in its tracking level and said this is a manufacturer’s fault I spoke to the manufacturer they’re telling me it’s an install problem both are blaming each other and nobody is remedying this pool this year after winterizing it and opening it up we noticed the top or else look like a rollercoaster they’re all wavy now neither the manufacturer installer stepping up the resolve this problem any suggestions will be helpful thank you

  31. Dan Avatar

    I just put up a 12’ round above ground pool. The pool diameter was perfect in all directions. But, it didn’t measure 12’. It’s about 11’-8”. The liner seems like it’s way too big and wrinkly everywhere. The diameter is correct all around and the walls lined up perfectly at the joint. Are these pools sometimes smaller than the diameter as specified? I just don’t see a way of making up those 4 inches of the wall closed up perfectly.

  32. Daniel Avatar

    Hi installed a above ground pool and have noticed the bottom tracks that run under the pool have lifted and are showing the pool is full of water but you can see both tracks going underneath across the pool

  33. Jason Avatar

    I have 27 foot above ground pool that we had close being 27 foot around but have getting walls up and tails so we can do liner like the instructions says. The liner isn’t going to fit so I check my measurements and it’s off it’s 26’10” and 27’6”. How can fix it without taking it completely apart

  34. Andy Avatar

    I have a 21 ft. round pool installed by us about 20 yrs ago. We had a couple of wrinkles in the side of the original liner. Now it was time to replace that line and I bought a new J-hook liner. When I installed it, I realized that when we put the pool in, we installed it out of round. Now I have a ton of wrinkles in the new liner that I can’t get out because I can’t move the liner far enough in one direction while the other direction causes more wrinkles. Is the only fix to tear down and start over or can I dig up around the outside of half the pool and push it into round?

  35. mary guaraldi Avatar

    i recently purchased an 8×12 oval above ground pool that i was hoping to set up on a concrete slab but heard that this size pool cannot be set up on a slab – is that true? are there extra stresses on the walls for this size? thanks for any info

  36. Tommy Avatar

    We just got a 18X33 oval installed. The side walls look like waves. You can see each buttress outline from the inside of the pool. It’s like the buttress are pushing inside into the liner. Is this normal?

    1. Janet Avatar

      I have the same problem , have you ever figured it out?

    2.  Avatar

      Did you ever get any answers to this because I’m having the same problem right now.

    3.  Avatar

      Whatever happened with your walls looking like waves?

  37. Ahmed Avatar

    We bought a 9ft x 18ft Bestway oval above ground pool from Costco. We’re just filling it up and its about 60% filled up but the sides on the width of the pool are bowing/bending inwards….is this normal? I’ve read elsewhere on the internet that this can happen during fill up but am not sure if it will fix itself?

  38. Kevin Avatar

    I have a 28′ round pool and one side is sinking in the ground and the other side is leaning about 3 to 4″ is there a way to fix this or will it cave in time. The side leaning is also out of the Any help would be great.

  39. Sarah Avatar


    I am building a 15 foot round. All patio blocks sunk into the ground are level to one another all wall track pieces are level with the exception of one. We have made several adjustments to no no avail on this one wall piece (1/10). I have checked and rechecked everything else is level. Any ideas what could be happening here or can I continue on without risk?

  40.  Avatar

    We just put up the walls and installed the liner to a 15×30 oval. Everything looked good but when we went to put the top rails on, one corner railing is way to long! Do we have to take the whole pool down?

  41. Shawn Williamson Avatar

    Howdy! We just finished building our 15×30 pool. All the uprights were straight and level, the walls were all in tracks with the tracks attached correctly. The stabilzer bars are all in and spaced fairly well. The top rails went in with no issues. HOWEVER, when we filled it yesterday, I have 5 uprights in the curve out of plumb. Some are a little in, some are a little out. BUT, I have one that is tipped out almost 2 inches top to bottom. It happens to be where the walls come together. I have no idea what to do at this point. This pool has taken us three plus weeks to build between the ground leveling and prep, the dirt work, the weather and now this. I am ready to tear the thing down and replace the grass. Your help, ideas on repair, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

    1. beck Avatar

      Yep same problem with mine? How did you go did you get any answers?

  42. Tom palucki Avatar

    I just a 21ft above ground professionally installed as part of the package I purchased from a rather large chain. Upon filling the pool. Letting it settle two days and back filling the sides. (12″ on the deep side 1″ on the shallow) the vertical supports are off kilter. A couple are angled in and a couple are angled out. It gives the pool a misshapen look. Will this settle out? Can it be corrected?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      My first call would be to the “professionals’ that installed the pool, to have them correct the issue. If the install is new, it should not be getting out of shape already.

    2. Julie Nugent Avatar

      hi we just installed a 21×54 pool everything is perfect but a few of the uprights had to be adjusted and now one section of pool jumped out of the trac at the bottom we only have 2 inches of water in when we noticed. how do we get the steel wall back into the bottom rail? I have pics

  43. Marina Avatar

    Just installed a 18×33 oval with buttresses but when we go to attach the stabilizers on top it appears the wall is to high how do we adjust the height of the wall so the stabilizers are level?

  44. Victoria Avatar

    My wall ends are not centered in bottom bracket do i have to take pool down again

    1. Victoria Avatar

      It’s a 24″ round pool

  45. Sarah Kuemerle Avatar

    Hi! We are installing our 18ft round Doughboy above ground pool. We had everything level and measures and then we added the liner. Now there is sand leaking beneath the rails and the foot plates are off of the patio bricks, making the vertical rails lean in. I attached some pictures. Do you know how we could fix this?

  46. Will Avatar

    So if my bottom rails, pushed in as far as the can go, still leaves a 3.5 inch gap in my wall, could I cut the bottom rail? I don’t know what else to do…..

  47. Ash the plumber Avatar

    hi! Dan D!
    We just had a 24 ft. round pool installed. 13 out of the 16 posts are perfect level. three are out of plumb by 1 inch or more. the level of water is 6.5 inch’s on 2 sides and 5.5 inch’s on 2 sides.
    they didn’t use patio stones under the posts and I am on sand. should I be happy with this installation?

  48. Ivan Avatar

    We just put a 27 ft. round pool up. Winds came up during installation and it started to collapse. We were able to get it up and water in it but it is out of round a bit. Some posts are leaning in and some out by an inch or so. Would it help to take the slotted adjustable top rails off and adjust? And will it cause any problems if we can’t do that.

  49. Cliff Burton Avatar

    Just finished a DIY install of a 24′ round used pool. Kind of wish I had found this before. Started the day out as a perfectionist. Became a ‘make-it-work’ guy when I realized the professional team that installed it for the first owner just drilled holes in the top plates to make it work together. It’s filling now. I might measure it if it continues to hold water to see how well we did. The liner was surprisingly easy, well, compared to installing the wall; amazing how the weight of the water covers a multitude of sins.

    But, this post made me feel so much better. I thought I was losing my mind at times.

  50. Melissa Avatar

    We recently installed a 12×24 pool. Everything looked good…or so we thought…so we filled it and vegans enjoying our pool. A week after use, the ends on the long side started lifting. We cannot figure out why this happened. We are now draining our wonderful pool, but we have no idea how to find the problem so we can fix it! Help!!!

  51. Dennis B Avatar

    I am installing a 15′ above ground. I am at the point of adding water and I started to install the top railing I have one upright that is leaning way in. Any pointers on how to correct this issue. Also my water is out of level about a 1 1/2 inches should I drain and relevel?

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