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Pool Pump Answer Guide

 I don’t think most of our readers realize that the majority of our content comes directly from you, our audience. In some instances, we have meetings and discuss questions or issues we come across a lot when talking with customers. In other instances, the questions or topics we address comes directly from the customer. At the end of the day, knowledge is power and the more information we are able provide to you, the more power you will have over your pool system.

Most pool owners know and recognize the importance of a working pool pump. Without a pool pump, your water will remain stagnant, your water will go unfiltered, and your water will ultimately be consumed by bacteria. Over the last few years, we’ve tried to address a lot of the larger and smaller issues that may arise with your pump or motor. In addition to blogs, we’ve created special how to guides and videos that walk customers through various installations. We also  added a new weekly program of Poolside Chat that answers questions submitted by customers. All of which are proven to be great resources for pool related topics.

With the many different avenues Inyo Pools offers to customers for  information, sometimes it can be difficult to organize the information you get within a blog and information from a how to guide video. Sometimes you may be looking through our how to guide section for a particular subject but it’s actually covered in our blog. To help from an organizational standpoint, we wanted to create a blog that could serve as a hub for questions specifically related to pumps and motors. Let’s dig a little deeper.

For most pool experts, your pool pump is considered the heart of your pool. Without a properly working pump, the overall health of your pool will decline. As a result, we spend a lot of time trying to address the ins and outs of maintaining your pool pump. Here’s a few we’ve addressed over the years. 

Pool Pump FAQ’s


Pool Parts 101: The Difference Between A Pump And A Motor

Ok, hear me out. This topic may be on the little shallow end in terms of depth of discussion but for new pool owners this subject can be confusing. I have worked at Inyo for years and if I had a nickel for every time a caller described a motor as a pump or a pump as a motor I would have $20,483.15 (probably not an accurate count.) But you get my meaning. It happens a great deal and the miscommunication can cause frustration for both the customer and the technician, so I am here to clear it up.

 Identifying Major Pool Parts And Their Functions Parts of a Pool Pump

A person who has had the pleasure of seeing the innards of a pump (opened by their own hand or glancing over the shoulder of a technician) may have noticed it looks simpler than expected. After all, the pump is this piece of machinery that can pump 80 gallons or more a minute, leaving one to expect a few bells and whistles hidden away inside the casing. But in practice the pool pump can be broken down into two categories of parts; the drivetrain and the outer structure. Or put simpler, the parts that push and pull the water and the ones that keep it from leaking

You can also see how a pool pump works here.


How Long Should I Run My Pool Pump?How long should I run my pool pump?

The above question is posed to the likes of me (pool industry folk) on a regular basis. Actually strike that – I impose the answer of that question on homeowners everyday because I am tired of seeing them throw away good money.  A pump does not need to run 24/7 to keep your pool water pristine. If properly sized, a pump should spin through your water in a fraction of the time, allowing it to be dormant for the rest of the day. Thereby, relieving your wallet of the heavy burden of high electric bills.


Can I Go With A Higher Horsepower Pump? Large vs Small HP pool pumps

The proper horsepower for your pool pump depends on a number of factors.  So before you jump on the bigger-is-better bandwagon, take a moment to get the facts.  Let’s start with an unpopular and incredible statement:  A typical size residential pool can be circulated effectively with a 1 HP pump.  What?!  Only 1 HP?  Please accept my apology for the rude awakening that many pool builders and installers push unnecessarily over-sized pumps that are more expensive to buy as well as operate.


Leaking Pool PumpLeaking Pool Pump

The first manufacturer to guarantee a leak-free pool pump is definitely going to corner the market.  Until that happens though, pumps will leak and pool owners will probably utter some choice words as they attempt to locate and troubleshoot the source.  Let’s review some of the most common leaks and how to address them.


Why Is My Pool Pump So Loud?

Trust us when we say, everyone (and their neighbors) hates a loud swimming pool pump. Depending on where you place your pump, the screeching of the bearings can actually become unbearable and possibly cause a rift between you and your neighbors (we’ve seen it before). If your pump is running loud, the first thing you want to do is simply listen to it to determine if the noise is coming from the wet end of the pump or the motor.

Also, check out our how to guide on how to fix a noisy pump here.




Pool Pump Running HotMy Pool Pump is Running Too Hot

The major functioning part in your pool pump is the motor, so it isn’t surprising that a lot of the questions we hear are about motors. One of the leading complaints we hear is, “My motor is running too hot.” Well, what exactly is too hot? We first want to note that it is normal for a motor to run hot. However, if it becomes way too hot to touch, or the motor label is starting to fade as a result, then you may need to check some things to ensure your motor is not overheating.


 How Much Does My Pool Pump Cost To Run? How Much Does a Pool Pump Cost to Run

Did you know that your pool pump is the largest consumer of electricity in your home? Here is a simple 4 step process to help you determine how much your pool pump costs to operate. Check out the second section we added showing the savings which can be obtained by upgrading to a variable speed pool pump.

Click here to see our how to guide on how to calculate the cost of running a pool pump.


5 Biggest Pool Pump Mistakes5 Biggest Pool Pump Mistakes

The pump is literally the heart of your pool’s circulation system.  But just like our own hearts, we have a tendency to neglect the health and well-being of the pool pump and then freak out when it’s not working properly.  There are probably dozens of pool pump mistakes out there. . . here are our top 5.



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Charlie Ramirez
Writer at, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in pool care and equipment, helping pool owners make informed decisions for over a decade.

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