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PSC Ep. 71: Are T-Cells interchangeable on Hayward AquaRite Systems?

Are T-Cells interchangeable on Hayward AquaRite Systems?
In today’s episode of Poolside Chat, Rob and Matt tackle another common swimming pool question: 

Are the T-cells interchangeable on a Hayward AquaRite system? For example, can I replace a T-cell 9 with a T-cell 15, or vice versa?

There are normally two concerns we hear from pool owners when we receive this question: they want to know if replumbing is required and if a different T-cell is compatible with their control box.

Since the cells are of the same length, no replumbing is required. The new cell will connect to the existing unions. No problem.

As far as compatibility, there are some limitations for older AquaRite systems. T-cell 15 will work with all revisions of the AquaRite. However, the T-cell 3, 5, and 9 will only work with revisions 1.5 and higher. You can check their revision by pushing the diagnostic button seven times.

If you decide to change the T-cell, make sure you change the cell type that’s displayed in the control box. Otherwise, the system will receive incorrect salt readings, and it won’t produce chlorine.

To change the cell type in the control box, set the main toggle switch to “auto”. Then press the diagnostic button until the “T” number appears. Slide the toggle switch to “super chlorinate”, and then back to “auto”. The cell type will change. Repeat this process until the cell type in the display matches the new cell type.

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Matthew Simmons
Swimming pool expert at InyoPools and host of Poolside Chat, brings over a decade of experience in the pool industry.

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52 responses to “PSC Ep. 71: Are T-Cells interchangeable on Hayward AquaRite Systems?”

  1. Allen W. Trammell Avatar

    I replaced my Hayward T15 with new pureline and it came with new screw fittings but i would have to replumb to use them. the Hayward fitting seemed to wirk fine but it apparently backed off and was leaking. i made sure it was not crossfit but when i tightened it the threads are not tight and it acts like it is stripped. Anything I need to do other than rework the plumbing? the new unit did not come with the part that holds the tcell

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Teflon tape can be used to try to secure the nut in place. Outside of that, I am not sure of anything else that may work other than doing the necessary plumbing to use the fittings that came with the Pureline.

  2. Lisa Avatar

    my pool had a t-3 cell but I accidentally purchased a t-15, can I use it or should I send it back for the correct one?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      As we cover in the video and article, yes it will work with any Aquarite system.

  3.  Avatar

    I have a system with a T-5 cell, the brain AquaTrol appears to be working correctly.
    The T-5 cells seem to be harder to get, it states my brain is compatible with T-9, T-15.
    so I am on auto, push the diagnose button through different setting, but the cell page (8 button pushes) isn’t there.
    After the 7th push it goes back the the main salt page reading.
    Am I missing something?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      The AquaTrol is the above ground salt chlorinator and is only compatible with the TCELL5. In this episode, we are only referring to the inground model, the AquaRite.

  4. Jody Avatar

    My cell voltage is working it’s way up to about 19, the generating light comes on, then the voltage drops to 0, the generating light disappears, and it works it’s way back to 19 again. This is a neverending cycle. Any ideas?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      How long does the voltage stay at 19? And, when you say “working up to 19”, is it a slow build up or does it take a few minutes?

      Lastly, is the cell generating chlorine?

      1.  Avatar

        Voltage only stays at 19 for a second. Probably takes 30 seconds to get to 19. Not generating.

  5. Ramin Avatar

    Hi, I am using the low salt system from Hayward the cell number is LS-CUL can I replace it with T-Cell 9 or 15?

    1. Tony J Avatar

      I would like this answer as well as I have a brand new T-15 from the previous system.

      1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

        If you are still smelling gad a few minutes after making the switch then you should shut it down and get the installation checked by a professional.

        1. Tony J Avatar

          Not sure what you mean by smelling ‘gad’, sorry. Gas?
          The cells look identical – I assumed that the the differences would be in the logic board and not the cell. I do not want to damage the board or do anything dangerous.

          Are the cells interchangable? Thanks

          1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

            That gas comment was meant for a comment on a different article. I answered your other posting of this same question at the bottom.

  6. Tammie R. Avatar

    I recently purchased a new T-3 cell. When I tried to recalibrate the system and scroll through to the tcell display, it does not appear. I have no idea what the system thinks it is operating on. Why is the display to change the tcell not showing?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      If you have an old control box made in 2010 or earlier (I think) they did not have cell options other than the TCELL15. Are you replacing a TCELL3 with a TCELL3?

  7. Q Avatar

    I had someone install a salt cell but they put in a T-3…when I checked to see what options I had on the board it was only T-5 or T-15…can I set it at T-5?

    1. Q Avatar

      Main software is 2.93, display software is 3.0 , rf base software is r1.20

    2. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      You can, but it isn’t going to have the right voltages, amps, and salt readings to match what the TCELL3 is going to provide it. You should have them put in the same cell you had before.

  8. Steph Avatar

    We had problems with our cell…
    So we bought a new one!
    I would like to know if a T Cell 15 is compatible with a older version aqua nature?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      There is not much information on AquaNature; but it looks like a private-label version of an AquaRite / AquaLogic system.A couple of questions: is this for an inground or above ground pool? What was the cell part number of the original cell?

      In the future, you want to ask “is this compatible” before you purchase the product. Measure twice, cut once.

  9. Zu Fernandez Avatar

    We have a t-9 right now. Our pool is around 13,500 gallons. Is there a benefit to purchasing the T-9 (25,000 gallon) or can I change it to T-3 (15,000 gallon).

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Each cell size is rated for a certain amount of chlorine it can produce; the larger the cell the more chlorine it can produce in its lifetime. With that said, if you go for the smaller cell, you are going to have to replace the cell sooner, which may end up costing you more money in the long run.

  10. Tony J Avatar

    Are specs different for the T15 cell than the LS cell? They look identical so I am assuming the difference in units is in the circuit board of the main unit. I have a T15 cell that is brand new, and while the LS cell I have is working well, I wondered if it stopped, could I use the T15 in a pinch?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      I have found differing opinions on whether the TCEll15 would be compatible with the low salt units. Because the low salt variety is kind of rare and fairly new there hasn’t been much tinkering with it. There are two routes you can go: call Hayward, the manufacturers to see if they have an opinion, or you could just try plugging it in and see what happens and give us all the answer.

      1. Tony J Avatar

        Hate being a guinea pig… LOL. I doubt Hayward will advise me to try, rather than buy the LS cell

  11. Hilliary Avatar

    I just went to buy a T-Cell 940 to replace my Tcell15 in my Hayward aquarite system. After a few days, I opened the box and realized I was sold a Hayward Tcell940SWP. Will this cell work with my system or do I need to go fight for an exchange?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      It appears it should be compatible. I presume the SWP just means SwimPure which is the model that cell fits to. But you can always try contacting the dealer from you purchased it from to have them confirm they sent you the right thing.

    2.  Avatar

      What control box you got

  12. BillWill Pool Services Avatar

    I am a pool service tech. I have used a Regular T-15 Cell’s in Lowsalt systems for years with no issues. If anything the cells seem to last longer. My ow pool was originally a regular Hayward with a T-15 cell. I swapped out the main bias to a LS board over 8 years ago and am still using the regular cell.

    1. Tony J Avatar

      Thank you ! Very useful to know T15s can be used in LS, as I had brand new T15 from previous system.

  13. Christina Avatar

    I am unable to find a T-CELL-5.. any suggestions??

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      I typed TCELL5 into Inyo’s search and it came right up: AquaTrol & AquaRite 20K Replacement Cell Only – No Unions – W3GLX-CELL-5. The W3 is the new prefix for Hayward’s products sold online, and the GLX is another prefix they added a few years ago to their Goldline control parts pages.

  14. Gary Avatar

    If you use a t15 cell for a low salt machine then what setting do you use for cell type. My low salt Hayward chlorinater is Version 1.00 and only allows me to choose between AL-0 up to -5?

    Any thoughts ?

  15. Mark Avatar

    I’m very confused by this article, because your Pureline PL7106 description for the TCell-15 says it requires software 1.5 or higher, but this article says that the TCell-15 works with ANY version….which is it???

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      This article and video are referring to OEM Hayward Turbo Cells, not aftermarket replacements like the Pureline. I don’t think we even mention the name Pureline in the video.

    2. Cynthia Blair Avatar

      I purchased a Tcell3 for replacement and my Aquatrol Goldline system says my revision is 1.47 will it work?

        1. Traci Avatar

          My AquaTrol came with a T-Cell 3 straight from the supplier.

          1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

            I checked Hayward’s site and literature, and they still show iTCELL5 as the only option. Maybe your local supplier offers a variation due to cell shortages. But regardless, as long as it works, that’s all that matters in the end.

  16. David Avatar

    OK I my old cell is a t15 my pool is around 15000 gals, My cell went bad I order another cell but they said the T15 is no longer available so they said to get the T925 But I dont think it is compatible I get a r1.33. I read something about a board to buy is that true? Please Help

  17. Neil Avatar

    Had a t cell 3. Purchased a t cell glx 5. My Aqua trol tl rj unit does not show t cell options. I had the return jet 90 degree adapter installed to avoid needing the flow switch. Read I needed it set to al-7 for the return jet option. The now flow led flashes for a bit then the system does nothing. Not sure how to resolve. Thought out plugging an rj-11 cable into the bottom and just bridging the wire with a wire nut. Any advice / objections?

  18. David Avatar

    hi Matthew I have an above ground 12000 gallon 16x 24 x52″ pool.
    Hayward pump aquatrol RJ and tcell 5.
    MY pool company tests show very good free chlorine and salt levels.
    The AQ RJ is solid led check salt and check cell.
    The salt reading says 1200. I am afraid to add more salt being the the strip test say ok, the 2 shops say ok on slt any thoughts?
    Dave in NJ

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      The first thing I would do is clean the cell. A dirty and clogged cell can throw off the readings on your control. If giving the cell a clean doesn’t fix the issue then I would hope your cell is still under warranty; because more than likely you will need a new one.

  19. Chris Allen Avatar

    I am looking for a new TCELL940 to replace our current cell with, but I am only finding TCELL940SWP. Are these the same? Will it work with an AquaRite 900?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      The Hayward AquaRite Cell – W3T-CELL-15 is the compatible replacement for the W3T-CELL-15.

  20. Denis Murray Avatar

    I have an Aquarite system. The cell just quit. It was a t-cell 15 and I replaced it with a t-9. I’m not sure, but the system may be pre 2010. I scrolled through the diagnostic screen and could not see a cell number. Have you any suggestions? Is there a way to know whether the cell is operating or not. Thank you for your time and expertise, Denis

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      The TCELL9 requires the AquaRite’s Main PCB software revision is 1.5 or higher. Check the software revision on your AquaRite’s diagnostic menu. If your revision is below 1.50, you’ll either need to change the cell to the TCELL15 or update your board to the new model, GLX-PCB-RITE.

  21. Melissa Avatar

    I currently have a Tcell-15 -LS-CUL can I use a Tcell – 925. I have a Hayward pro logic system. I am assuming that I will now need more salt now? I used to need 1800PPM and now looks as though I need more to run the cell. Is this correct?

    1. Leon Avatar

      Always test salt levels before adding salt. It’s easier to add more after confirming salt levels thank it is to drain and fill after adding too much. An aging cell will start to read lower than actual salt level.

    2. Frank Avatar

      I purchased a second hand Aquarite 1.4 chlorine generator, is cell T-15 the only one compatible?

      1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

        Yes, the TCELL15 is the only cell option for a 1.4 firmware control unit. To use one of the other turbo cell options, you’d need to replace the control’s GLX-PCB-RITE

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