What’s the relationship between pH and chlorine in a swimming pool?
Your pool’s pH level correlates to the effectiveness of the chlorine. If you look at a chart (see chart below)of pH in relation to the chlorine effectiveness, at the top, 6.0 pH level, is going to give you about 90% chlorine effectiveness rate. You don’t want to swim in a pool that’s got a pH of 6.0, it’s too acidic. It can irritate your eyes and skin, etch pool walls, and damage your equipment. On the other side, the flip side, the high pH, your chlorine isn’t effective, but high pH can also lead to cloudy water, it can again irritate your eyes, and cause scale. scale.
The sweet spot for pH would be somewhere between 7.2 and 7.6. If you’ve got low pH, you can add sodium carbonate, soda ash. If you’ve got high pH, you can add muriatic acid to lower it into the proper range.
Again, it’s very important to keep an eye on the pH if you want to have a good chlorine level. That’s would be the relationship, I guess.
If you have any questions about chlorine or pH, please feel free to leave comments down below. For all your swimming pool needs, please visit us over at inyopools.com. Of course, thank you for joining us.
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