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Top Ways to Save Money in 2016

At the beginning of every year, people around the world work themselves up trying to figure out ways on how to become a better person than they were the year before. It’s okay, we are all guilty. Just check out a few of Inyo’s New Year’s Pool Resolutions.  I, on the other hand, entered the new year with only one resolution in mind: Save More Money.

It is no secret that pool maintenance can be a pretty penny. So, if you’re a family that owns a pool, that is the first place I’d look to save some money.

Just to be clear, I am not recommending getting rid of your pool. That would be absurd and I think your kids would be upset. However, I know for a fact there are things you can do and habits you can form that will help better maintain your swimming pool and save you money at the same time.

Together we can break our bad habits, and form new, beneficial ones that end in one result- saving more money. 

1. Pool Covers

Do you own a pool cover?

If not, we highly recommend that you fit one into this year’s budget. According to the U.S Department of Energy, pool covers are one of the best energy efficiency solutions to your pool. One of the leading reasons for pool water loss is through evaporation. And if you’re living in California, you know better than I do that the price of water can be very expensive. Areas with warmer climates and higher sun exposure experience higher levels of water loss. Pool covers help prevent evaporation and also prevents the need to keep adding water into your pool.

Water loss also affects your overall water chemistry. Pool covers keeps your pool water inside your pool and prevent contaminants from getting in. When your pool loses water, you also lose important chemicals that keep you water balanced and safe. Not to mention, pool covers also help retain the heat in your pool water over night. The more heat you contain, the less you need to operate your heater, and therefore, the more money you save on energy costs.

Another good thing about pool covers is they’re relatively inexpensive, backed by a manufacturer’s warranty, and come in several different colors. Pool covers are a win-win-win our my book. Let us know if you need help selecting the best pool cover for your pool.


2. Pool Pumps

 Is your pool operating on a single speed, dual speed, or variable speed pump?

If you answered with a dual speed or a variable speed pump- my hat’s off to you. You, my friend, are hip to the conservation game. However, if you answered with a single speed pump, I am giving you the ultimate side eye.

One of the most frequently asked questions we hear is , “If single speed pumps are less expensive up front, how is switching to a dual or variable speed pump going to save me money in the long run?” The most important part of that question is the back end part, “in the long run.” When you think about owning a pool, whether built from ground zero or as part of a purchase on a house, you always think in long terms. With that frame of mind, it is almost always better to spend more money up front, if your savings earned over time outweighs the money spent up front.

So now the question becomes, how does dual and variable speed pumps save me money over time?

Typically single speed pumps are too big for your pool. Dual speed and variable speed pumps address this wasted energy as they can operate at different speeds. Running your pump at lower speeds for longer periods of time will cost you much less in operational costs than running your pump at a high speed for shorter periods of time

In a recent blog, we actually dove into the different variables that affect pool costs such as the cost of electricity, operating in a warmer climate versus a cooler climate, pipe size, and water features. I highly recommend reading that blog as well: Variable Speed Pool Pump or Dual Speed… Which is Best for Me?

3. Do It Yourself (DIY) Projects

Do you do any installations, repairs, or troubleshooting yourself?

If you answered ‘No’ this time, I’m actually with you. I’m known for a lot of things, but home improvement and putting things together is not one of them. With that being said, working here at Inyo Pools I have learned that sometimes it is just better, faster, easier, and just cheaper to doing ‘it’ yourself.

Now, I am not recommending pool owners troubleshoot or install every single piece of equipment themselves. In fact, there are certain installations we do not recommend doing yourself. For those jobs, please contact a licensed pool professional. Still, we noticed a void in how to guides and instructional manuals within the pool community. After working with pool owners throughout the years, we realized that a lot of pool owners would prefer to do a lot of their pool maintenance themselves, if they could.

In many cases, you can.

Before calling your pool technician next time, take a look at our list of how to guides and videos. Before spending money on an installer, why not check to see if it’s a job you can handle yourself? Our guides have step-by-step tutorials with associated pictures and videos. In most cases, a pool owner can watch a video of our technician first and gauge whether they feel comfortable doing it themselves. I think you would be surprised at how comfortable you feel replacing a filter part once you see someone else do it first.

We are constantly updating our how to guide catalog so if you don’t see something and would like for us to create a guide for you, email us. You never know, you may see your guide on our site or YouTube page.

4. Plan. Plan. Plan.

 Are you reactive or proactive?

Every year around spring we get a huge rush of pool owners looking to re-open their pools. Although their needs vary, I have learned that the earlier you plan, the more money you save.

I’m from Florida where algae growth can get pretty bad during the hotter months if your pool is left untreated. Are you the type of pool owner to wait until your pool turns green before realizing you may need to balance your water? Or, do you regularly monitor your pool’s water chemistry? It is definitely okay if you fall somewhere in between. Most pool owners do.

In the case of algae bloom, by the time you can see algae growing in your pool, it may be too late for simple solutions. The longer you wait to address pool issues, the bigger the issue becomes, and the more money you’re shelling out to fix something that could have been prevented. Preventative work is always cheaper

Are you throwing a Memorial Day bash at your house this year? If so, we all know a pool is mandatory for any memorial day party, pretty much anywhere. Instead of waiting until the beginning of May to try and get your pool ready, why not start in March?  First, create a checklist of all your pool equipment and areas around your pool you need in perfect working condition (ie. pump motor, filter cartridges, water chemistry, lighting, etc.) As you go through each piece of equipment, you should be able to narrow any areas that you might have to spend more time on.

The earlier you start checking things off, the more time you will have to address any issues. Why spend an extra arm on expedited shipping when we offer free shipping on majority of part orders?

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Charlie Ramirez
Writer at, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in pool care and equipment, helping pool owners make informed decisions for over a decade.

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