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What does HP SPL mean on a Pool Pump Motor Label?

What does HP SPL mean on a Pool Pump Motor Label?

Horsepower Specials (HP – SPL) or “overrating” spa pumps is a decades-old tradition of manufacturers inflating a motor’s HP to make it more appealing to customers. This follows the line of thought; bigger is better; think Tim “The Toolman” Taylor.

What they aren’t telling you is the HP SPL is not the average operating horsepower but rather the “peak horsepower.” This peak horsepower number is taken from the fraction of a second when the motor first kicks on and the windings engage. That number can be 5-7 times higher than the actual real Total HP.

If your pump motor lists a 5 HP-SPL, you are more than likely dealing with a 2 to 4 total horsepower motor. I know this isn’t very clear, but the thing that helps us find the right match is the amp rating. Of course, you can inflate, conflate, and mitigate that horsepower number, but Amps are amps. 

You can see in this chart provided by AO Smith Century, the thing that does not change between the HP-SPL and the standard HP rating is the amps.

What does HP SPL mean on my motor label?

How to Find a Spa Pump Motor Replacement

So if you are trying to find a match for a motor on, here are the steps to follow.

  1. Take a picture of the motor label.
  2. Enter the part, catalog, or model number of the label into the search box
  3. Select the first option listed so you can review the product description and specifications
  4. On the product page, check the volts rating listed in the specs section. Confirm the motor operates on the same voltage as your current model. This is important because the volts affect your amperage number. For example, a motor running on 115 volts uses 9 amp, whereas the same motor using 230 volts uses 4.5 amp.
  5. Now, compare the amps. If the amps are within 1.0 amp of your current model, it should be a safe bet you found the match.
  6. If you have any doubt you have found the correct motor, feel free to speak with one of our techs on LiveChat, or email us at

Are there any other pump and motor subjects that you think we should cover for our next article? If so, leave a comment below with the topic and any specifics about the issue you need to clear up.

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Matthew Simmons
Swimming pool expert at InyoPools and host of Poolside Chat, brings over a decade of experience in the pool industry.

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