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Should I run my pool pump during the day or at night?

In this video, we discuss whether it’s better to run your pool pump during the day, or at night.

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Nathan Holmes

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2 responses to “Should I run my pool pump during the day or at night?”

  1. Ralph Avatar

    I closed my pool for the season. I have a salt system. The pool is 16×32 with an 8ft deep end. The water looked great all season, May through September. It tested good with test strips.
    I noticed the inside of the pipes and salt generator are brown. Any advice for next season?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Is your local water source high in iron? If so, a metal sequestrant should do the trick. Your standard test strips do not usually test for the metal content of your water. Take a sample of pool water tested at a local pool store to get a full workup.

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