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Why is my Baracuda cleaner not moving?

This video looks at possible reasons for your cleaner not moving and techniques for Baracuda cleaner troubleshooting.

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Nathan Holmes

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3 responses to “Why is my Baracuda cleaner not moving?”

  1. Randel n Wood Avatar

    The Zodiac pool Sweep works fine with good suction (almost new) but it gets stuck at the shallow end of pool usually next to a step, and if not observed and moved manually, would just stay stuck in that position. Any solution to that? Thanks, Randy Wood

  2. Paul Priest (email: ) Avatar

    Barracuda Hose Weights:

    What are the proper placement of both these weights on the hose nearest the Cleaner ?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      The hose weight should be on the hose length connected to the cleaner head.

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