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5 Biggest Problems with Pool Filters


For a piece of equipment that is not electrical, digital, or highly complex, a pool filter can still cause a great deal of pool owner stress.  You might be surprised how many questions we field regarding what is essentially a big tank that water passes through.  But since that tank is so vital to the operation and safety of your pool, I wanted to share the some of the most common issues our techs encounter and how you might troubleshoot some basic problems.

#1 The Spider GasketBlog Image - Spider Gasket (200 x 200)

Inside the multi-port valve on DE and sand filters, you will find this gasket which somewhat resembles a spider web, featuring a small center ring and spokes (typically 4 or 5) that connect to a larger outer ring.  For a small, simple part, it can be the source of quite a few filter headaches.  Signs of a worn or damaged spider gasket include leakage around the valve or water coming out of the waste line even though valve is set to “filter”.  Damage to this gasket is commonly caused by moving the valve handle while the pump is running.

If you need to replace the spider gasket, look at the valve body itself (not the filter tank) for a model or part number.  With a valve model number, the correct gasket can usually be cross-referenced.  It is worth noting that some manufacturers include the spider gasket only as part of the diverter.  In this case, you would need to purchase the entire diverter assembly.  If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself in this camp of filter owners, you will want to compare the price of the diverter vs a completely new valve.

#2 True Grit

Probably the most ironic of filter problems is sand or DE powder flowing back into the pool.  For sand filters, one or more cracked laterals or a broken standpipe is typically the culprit.  Replacement laterals can be purchased individually or as part of a standpipe assembly.  The standpipe is available separately also, if you determine all of your laterals are in good shape.

For DE filters, you are usually looking at worn grids that have developed tears.  While checking the grids, also inspect the standpipe o-ring for wear and tear.  Another cause of DE in the pool is simply adding too much DE powder when recharging the grids.  Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions; in the absence of an owner’s manual, a general rule of thumb is 1 lb of DE per 10 sq ft of filter area (this refers to the square footage of your filter, not your pool).

#3 Under PressureBlog Image - Pressure Gauge (200 x 200)

Feeling the pressure of pool ownership?  Then you and your filter might have something in common.  Some filter problems are caused by excessive pressure build-up inside the tank.  High pressure can be caused by having a filter that is undersized for the pump; this means the pump is pushing more gallons per minute than the filter is designed to handle.  Another cause is simply a dirty filter with cartridges that need to be rinsed, or sand or DE that needs to be backwashed.  If after cleaning, you are still faced with high pressure, there could be a clog in the plumbing lines.

High pressure can cause laterals to crack and leak sand into the pool.  It can also be the reason for a cracked tank or even more dramatic, the filter lid blowing off.

#4  Feeling a Little Low

As mentioned above, high filter pressure is a problem but so is low pressure which usually indicates some obstruction of the water going into the filter.  This can negatively impact pool circulation.  First step – check your pump strainer basket and impeller.  If either one is clogged with leaves and other debris, clean them out to increase water flow.

Low pressure can also be linked to the pool skimmer which could have a clogged basket or a weir stuck in the open position (the weir is the flap on the skimmer that sways back and forth).  Reduced water levels can also cause low pressure.

It’s worth noting that a broken pressure gauge can give a false reading, high or low.  Check to make sure the gauge needle returns to zero as it should when the pump is off.

#5 The ReplacementsBlog Image - Cartridge (200 x 200)

All your filter might need is new cartridges or grids but good luck trying to figure out which ones you need.  This is a very common conundrum.  Frequently, the filter manufacturers place a label or plate on the filter tank that lists all the different filter sizes for that particular model.  Then they put a check mark or punch out a hole next to the actual filter size.  That is, in theory.  I hear from many customer that there is no mark or it has worn off over time.  There could also be no readable part numbers on the grids and cartridges themselves, leading to a good deal of confusion.

The easiest solution in this case is to measure the actual media.  So for DE grids, you would measure the length and width of the full and the partial grids.  Most DE filters have seven full grids that are the same size and one partial (shorter) grid.  For cartridges, measure the length, the outside diameter of the cartridge, and the diameter of the hole.  Often people don’t want to take the extra step of opening the filter to get these dimensions and they take a guess at the correct size.  This makes for an awful lot of returns during pool season so I highly recommend doing it right the first time.

Replacing sand can also present a challenge or two.  The main question being “how much sand do I need for my filter?”  This will be in your owner’s manual but if yours has gone missing, feel free to contact us here as we have specs on many filter models.  The manufacturer can also be a resource for the proper sand amount for older, more obscure filters.  You will want to check on the recommended sand type as well which is typically #20 or #30 silica sand but does vary per manufacturer.

If you’ve been a pool owner for any length of time, you will not be surprised if you run into other filter problems not covered here.  As customers often tell me, “It’s always something!”  But rest assured, we’re happy to help you troubleshoot filter problems, find replacement parts, and get you on your way to enjoying that pool.

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Matthew Simmons
Swimming pool expert at InyoPools and host of Poolside Chat, brings over a decade of experience in the pool industry.

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127 responses to “5 Biggest Problems with Pool Filters”

  1. Michael Avatar

    Aloud vibration sound comes from the casing where the cartridge is housed. I replaced the pressure gage and seals. It was fine for a while now the sound is back. It is not the motor. It is coming from the large dome where the cartridge is. Please help! I’m ready to buy a new expensive filter! Thanks

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Is there any air coming out of the jets during or after this vibration?

    2. Kymathie Avatar

      I have had this happen when a) the air was not properly bled from the filter housing when starting the pump, b) the cartridge filter was not properly seated before closing the housing (being just a little bit off makes a big difference!), and c) the filter was clogged with floc, calcium, or stabilizer and needed cleaning – thoroughly cleaning the filter solved the problem.

  2. Pat Avatar

    I ran my pump with the multi port valve on the top in the closed position. I no longer have pressure showing on my gauge and water is cloudy

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Well, you can test your water to determine any chemistry issues. Also, clarifier may fix the cloudiness. As for the pressure gauge, if the water flowing from your returns is at its usual strength, you probably just need to replace the gauge.

  3. Scott Avatar

    My water stays cloudy we been thru all the chemicals. Pump appears to be working a good return on water flow. Any thoughts. Thanks

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Have you gotten a sample of your water tested at a pool store? If so, post the results in a reply. The first thing we need to know is what the water chemistry is, to determine the best next step.

      1. Egypt Avatar

        Quick question I have added so many chemicals to my pool and nothing seems to turn the water back to blue. I just checked my filters and a couple of the bands that hold them together are broken could that be an issue

        1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

          It would depend by what you are trying to clear from your pool water. Are you trying to get rid of haziness or dirt particles? Or are you fighting algae?

          Also, what are your pool chemistry ranges? This will help us determine if it is a chemistry issue.

  4.  Avatar

    When I shut down the pump it blows water back out the skimmer basket

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      When your pump is shut off, the system is losing prime causing water to backwash into the pool.

  5. Lisa Avatar

    We have a cartridge filter, and it seems after everytime we vacuum it and the filter goes on to circulate afterwards, little particles are going g back into the pool even after cleaning the cartridge. Any thoughts?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Is it a constant stream of particles or does it stop after a short period? If it is constant, there may be a rip in the cartridge media allowing particles to bypass it. If it stops eventually, there may be residual dirt from the cartridge that is settled in the tank bottom. When you lift out the cartridge the dirt may flush into the discharge, packing a nice dirt cannon for when the pump starts.

      Try using a dose of clarifier to clump the particles into bigger pieces, allowing the cartridge to catch it.

  6. Lee Avatar

    My internal filter is stuck in the cartridge and I can’t get it out to clean and/or replace. Help.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      What is the make and model of your filter?

  7. Jed Avatar

    Have solar panels going up to roof. Replaced all piping this year cause handles were too hard to turn. Now the jets only work for 1-2 minutes and then nothing. Seems like no water is coming out of filter to go up to solar panels or back down to pool. If I have it on solar alone same thing. Works for 1-2 minutes and the jets stop. I hear hissing in backwash valve and then it stops pushing water out jets. Pump is working fine. Help!!

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      I’ll be honest with you, these piping questions are hard to figure out because I can’t see the equipment. This question might better be answered by the members over at TroubleFreePool

  8. Mike Avatar

    Has anyone ever heard of a filter cartridge being a little dirty and causing air bubbles in the pool pump bought 3 filters and runs good for hour or so then very little pressure from returns and filter is little dirty. Pool was tested for leaks and none were found.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      A filter is not going to cause air bubbles in the pump. The filter is on the pressure side of the plumbing system, things get pushed out, not sucked in when the pump is running.

      Are you sure you bought the correct sized cartridges? Also, did they do a search for water leaks, air leaks or both? Because it sounds like you have an air leak. Just to be on the safe side, have a look at this article: How to Identify and Correct Air Leaks

  9. gerard Avatar

    Our filter is a Triton TR 100 filled with glass, the pool is green with algae, decayed leaves and debris. As I started cleaning the pool, the skimmers stopped working suddenly, the water disappeared partly from the motor and the level of water in the filter dropped sharply with the pressure gauge at 0. I did several backwashes and rinses, but can’t get the filter to fill up to the top. No filtration either. In previous years I had bubbles coming into the filter which was never full up to the top of the sight. To remove the air (and the water that spurted out ) I connected plastic tubing to the bleeder and collected the water in a bucket . Has the Air intake worsened ? What do you suggest ?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      To me, it sounds like you have an air leak. This is a guide to help you find the source: How to Identify and Correct Air Leaks

      By the time the air is getting to your filter, the damage to the pump prime has already been done. Find the leak, fix the issue.

  10. Francine Avatar

    I am an experienced pool owner, have an inground pool since 1987. Have a DE filter. Since opening the pool ( last week in May) this year, have had a problem with cleaning it. I used to b able to just vac it then backwash, rinse repeat couple times then filter. Now I can’t, dirty water immediately come back into the pool almost as soon as I start to vac. So I have resorted to vac on backwash. But when I put it back on filter the new earth comes right back into the pool from the returns. We cleaned the filter. So I don’t know if its the filter or the main section that rules the roost ( rinse, filter, backwash, recirculate etc). I’ve been reading up on it I’m just not sure what to do next. Help please. Do I need everything new.

    1. Koty mansberry Avatar

      Can we get some trouble shooting advice here?

    2.  Avatar

      You probably have a crack in your manifold and you could have ruined your filters by backwashing while vacuuming

    3. Patrick Avatar

      in filter mode, water goes one way inside the sand, comes “clean on the other side and return to the pool. a backwash, as the name implies, pushes water from the clean side of the sand to remove the dirt and push it out the filter. By cleaning your pool on the backwash cicle, you trap dirt on the “clean” side of the sand, so when you go back to filter, the water pushes the dirt back out. When you have too much dirt in the pool, use the waste position, and water will bypass the filter’s sand and go straight into the backwash pipe.

  11. Larry Tompkins Avatar

    I have a DE filter that keeps getting DE inside the grids. I have replaced the manifold and still have the issue. The manifold keeps coming off of the outlet pipe. Like as if there is backpressure pushing it off the pipe. Could this be related to a bad multiport valve??

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      I am no sure how the ill-fitting manifold would relate or be caused by a bad multiport valve. The standpipe that the manifolds directs water through and out of your filter should have an o-ring at the top. This o-ring seals the connection to prevent water and DE from straying into the pool. It also gives the manifold something to grip. If this o-ring is warped or missing, this could cause the DE spillage and your manifold to dislodge.

      1. Larry Tompkins Avatar

        I was thinking back pressure because the old manifold I replaced had a tube with a small filter on top of the tube coming out of the top of the manifold. Twice before the small filter was pushed off somehow causing the bags/grids to fill with DE. The new manifold has an integrated filter in the top of the manifold supposedly to stop this from happening. Now the whole manifold pushes off the pipe somehow. I checked the O ring and it appears to be fine. I just can’t figure out how water is going into the manifold from the outlet pipe. Unless I don’t understand how in and out for the filter works.

        1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

          Can you get me the make and model of your unit so I can pull up a part breakdown? I need to be able to visualize your filter’s plumbing.

  12. Hopeless Avatar

    Sorry in advance as I am not pool savy and dont know all the correct terms. i have an inground pool which is currently seaweed green. We have tried to shock it but thats not working because we it appears we may have a filter issue but can not figure it out. I have been to 3 pool stores already, with photos and description, and got all different suggestions, and tried them all, but none have work. We have a hyromax DE cartridge filter. When turning the pool on it goes to 20 and the jets burst out water and run properly. After about 15 min, the pressure in the filter rises to about 25 and the jet stream slows down, about 10 min after that the stream is basically null. I do not see any water leaking from anywhere. I replaced a few O rings, just to be safe. Bought a new cartridge, The water in the pump is not bubbly, however I replaced the rubber piece as well. I am really at a loss. Unable to get a service call till Mid-July – any ideas would be helpful.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Have you backwashed and rinsed your filter? Or have you done a thorough cleaning of your grids? If the filter has not been cleaned, the pile up of dirt will cause the tank pressure to rise and the water pressure to nosedive.

      How to Correct Low Water Pressure in Your Pool SystemHow To Clean a Hayward DE Filter Grid Assembly

    2. Patrick Avatar

      if the water is as dirty as you mentioned, your filter is getting over worked! lots of backwash or cartridge cleaning…

  13. Lana Avatar

    Help, we have already gone thru with 4 drain caps. They keep cracking . My husband does not put them on tight. Yes they have a gasket in them. Why is this happing? Someone said if the filter isn’t level it would build pressure? The filter looks level. Please advise.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      How are they breaking? Or are they getting lost?

      Some filters have bad or frail drain cap designs causing them to fail repeatedly.

  14. kim Avatar

    when we vacuum the pool the stuff on the bottom goes right through the filter and back into the pool. what could be wrong?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      It would help if we knew what type of filter it was. Is it a sand, DE or cartridge filter?

      But recirculating debris could be a hole in the filter media.

      1. Michele Avatar

        Same problem we have a sand filter no leaks filtering on 10 clear back wash did a rinse dirty water came out ran till clear. Chemicals tested all is in range. Used clarifier and keeping chorline high. Added new sand this year. Water is cloudy and greenish blue also did algecide. Gage reads between 10 13

    2. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      I just wrote this on a different post thread, so I will just copy and paste it here:

      But as I cover in the articles sand in the pool can be a sign of cracked internal parts. Also, it can be a symptom of old sand. Old sand can begin to clump, allowing channels through which dirty water can bypass the sand and go directly back to the pool. If you can remove the cap from the sand filter you may be able to see these channels. Sand needs to be changed every 3 to 5 years for most pools. If your sand is around that age, I would plan on replacing it sometime soon so you can also inspect the internals of your tank.

  15. Mike quirk Avatar

    We have a sand filter we just refilled with new sand the water is always cloudy,and I have to vacuum it sometimes 3 times a day each morning towards the center of the pool the bottom has large spot where something ends up I don’t know if it sand or some type of algae chemicals are right where they are supposed to be any help would be appreciated

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Can you post water chemistry results? Knowing the chemical makeup of the water will help determine what could be causing the cloudiness. But if the cloudiness is caused by dead algae, then I would suggest floc and vac, cleaning the filter until the cloudiness clears.

      I couldn’t tell you what the debris is because I can’t see it. But it may just be dirt that is settling to the lowest spot in the pool, Or there is a dead flow zone in your pool, it can be fixed by adjusting return jet positions.

  16. Maggi Avatar

    Help! I have 2 pools companies stumped. New cartridge is in filter, I have balanced clear water. My psi climbs above 20 every two hours, as soon as I rinse the cartridge it comes back down for a while. What else could cause this? I’ve been in the house 3 summers and it just started in July after I drained part of my water with my Manuel vacuum to clean some algae. Did I need something up? Any and all ideas welcome!

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Are you sure you bought the correct cartridge? There are a lot of cartridges out there that are similar in size but the square footage of the cartridge is vastly different. For example, if you have a 150 sq ft cartridge filter but mistakenly pick a 75 sq ft cartridge of the same size, it will seemingly work but you will be experiencing pressure issues as you are currently.

  17. Lee Avatar

    Hello. Been having a problem keeping my pool clean. Sand filter media was replaced with glass 2 years ago. About a month ago the pool became hard to clean up, dirty water coming thru returns when vacuuming. Shocked numerous times. Pool store said chemistry is dead on, as are my checks. Water would start to clear a tiny bit, then I’d vacuum and it would be cloudy again. The multiport valve wasn’t feeling right, so I replaced the whole thing instead of just the gasket. It’s made no difference. I really don’t think the filter is filtering anything. The only way to clean it up has been to vac to waste a couple times. Any thoughts?

  18. MJH Avatar

    Our Pool water remain cloudy – as per the FM of our community its one of the filter is defective and it will be replaced as soon as it is received by the vendor.

    Could there be another cause to this issue?

    Many thanks,

  19. MJH Avatar

    Dear Sir,

    Further to my earlier text, Is it safe to use the Swimming Pool?


    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Do you know what is causing your pool water to be cloudy? Is it dead algae? Or DE from the broken filter?

      You probably want to test your water to check chemical levels, and when you have a working filter, use a Flocculent to clear the cloudiness.

      1.  Avatar

        I understood that it was filter that needs replacement. They changed it and it is in a good state.
        Many thanks,

  20. Ryan Avatar

    DE Filter not clearing pool. Cleaned grids with hose and added DE. But the filter does not clear up the water. No DE is leaking into the pool. It runs but never pulls algae from pool.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Are you shocking and using an algaecide to kill the algae? The only way to clean a green pool is to add chlorine to kill off the algae bloom. The pool filter can then remove the dead algae; dead algae looks white and makes your pool look cloudy.

      Read this article: How to Clean a Green Pool?

  21. Rose Avatar

    Hi. My pool filter plastic drum has burst for the second time in 2 years. the indoor pool is heated to 32degrees celcius and I have been informed that this is too high as it cools overnight so will affect the plastic drum. The pool company has suggested a fibreglass drum. My issue is why was I not told and is this true

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      How low is the water temperature dipping? So the pool is inside, is the filter inside or outside? What is the made and model of your filter?

      Most pumps and filters are made out of fiberglass or a noryl plastic. Both of which are made to withstand hot and cold temperatures. But if you leave a water-filled filter outside or in an unheated room whose temp drops to freezing point; it doesn’t matter which material it is made of, it is going to crack.

  22. Chuck Haskins Avatar

    I replaced my sand before last season and it does not seem to be clearing my cloudy water. I added shock and the pool changed to a rust color. Do you recommend washing the sand with a running water? I have done this in the past by removing the multiport valve and inserting a hose with water running, pushing and puling the hose in and out of the sand. I let the water overflow carrying out and debris, drain filter and then scoop top layer of debris if there.
    I would rather not change sand again if I can help it. My experience is the sand lasting 2-5 years. This is a copper ionization pool system.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      If your water is rust colored, that is a sign of excess iron in the water. you can use a few different techniques to remove that problem. As for the cleaning of sand, that is what the backwash and rinse functions on your multiport valve is used for. The backwash reverses the flow of water, churning up the sand, then expels the dirt through the waste line.

  23. Hilary Black Avatar

    We have a hayward s240 filter and when pump is on filter there is a spitting and hissing from dome top screw. We just bought a new one and a new o ring and its still doing it. Also our pressure is at 21psi. We have 18×36 in ground

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Is your filter an S240S or an S240T? Did you replace any gaskets? If you are hearing a hiss and water is spitting out, then that sounds like a bad gasket moreso than a hardware piece.

  24. Tim Polyak Avatar

    The dome lid on my cartridge filter is leaking. May have been over tightened, what are my options and what should I do? Thanks

  25. Brandon Mowry Avatar

    I just bought a house with a pool and I noticed today that sand is forming drifts in the bottom of my pool. I have a cartridge filter I believe. What is the problem?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      If you have a cartridge filter and you’re seeing excessive sand in the bottom of your pool, there may be a rip in the cartridge allowing it through, or you just need to vacuum it up. If after you vacuum the sand, and you see it coming through the return again, then there definitely is a tear in the cartridge.

  26. Charles Avatar

    I have a Crystal clear pool sand filter, the tank is made of polyethene and is cracked just under the multiport valve under the flange,. Can it be repaired ?? please

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Most of the times trying to mend a filter doesn’t work, but you can give it a try. The most common product I’ve heard used in these situations is JB Weld. We actually cover this topic in a Poolside Chat Episode #20: Should I Fix My Cracked Filter Lid?

  27. ana Avatar

    we replased the center tube with the black finger like tubes but sand is on bottom of pool i donot think we put it in right do i start over and do i put the tube in fist and then the sand or a quater of sand and then the tube and the more sand please help the water is clear but when i vaccum it looks like every thing iback becase when i back wash it is clear that inpossible for ipick up alge and it just comes back in and back wash clear HELP

  28. Wendy Avatar

    We have a filter that is only 3 years old. My husband cleans it religiously and maintains everything per the manuals. We recently had all the piping replaced and converted the pool to saline.
    All the chemicals are in balance according to the pool store. There is some sand at the bottom of the pool and the pool is cloudy.
    We put chlorine granules in the skimmer and they blew out the jets.
    Do you recommend replacing the filter or is there another way we can trouble shoot the problem before replacing it?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Sand int he pool could be a of things: you need to change the sand or there is a broken lateral.

      If your filter’s running PSI is high, and stays high even after backwashing then you likely need to change the sand. Old dirty sand can lead to channeling which allows dirt to bypass the sand and recirculate back to the pool. Broken laterals can happen with age.

      Luckily the fix is the same for both problems, remove the sand. Replace the old sand with new sand. or, remove the old sand, check the laterals, then reuse old or replace with new sand.

      1. Wendy Avatar

        It’s a filter system, not a sand one. We pulled apart the housing, took the filter out and then put it back in.
        It must have been slightly loose or something because as soon as we did that the filter started working properly and the pool cleared up the same day. 🙂 YAY!

  29. Helen Avatar

    I have a sand filter that the gauge won’t work but the pressure is good at inlit. When I vacuum algae not sand comes out inlit

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Try setting the valve to recirculate to bypass the filter. if the pressure gauge doesn’t read any pressure, then it is time to replace it. If the gauge does give a reading, then you likely have a clogged filter; the clog probably being alive/dead algae. If algae is present in the pool then you need to shock your pool, once or twice.

  30. jovi Avatar

    My problem of my sand filter tank lid was frequently blowout and the sand back to the pool can you advise me what is the reason why it happened.
    Many thanks,

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      This sounds like a pressure issue; caused by dirty sand, too much sand, or too strong of a pump.

      For dirty sand, backwash the filter thoroughly. if the sand is old, and backwashing doesn’t help you will need to replace the sand. If you have recently replaced the sand and you put too much sand in, then you need to scoop some out. The normal sand level should be about halfway to two-thirds up the tank. if this problem started after installing a new pump, you may be overpowering your filter. If it is a dual or variable speed pump, try the lower speeds. if it is a single speed, then you will need to change the motor and impeller to a lower horsepower.

  31. Andre Avatar

    Hi my sand filter only runs for 5 minutes the flow becomes weak and the kreepy stops,but itworks perfecty on cycle.what could it be?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      This search page gives you a few guides and articles on how to correct low water pressure.

  32. Alan Voges Avatar

    Brand new tagellus (same as old one that cracked in process of changing sand) brand new sand. Vacuuming green silty algae from pool floor. Blows right back into pool. This is after I have backwashed thoroughly and rinsed thoroughly. Pressure at 10. Only explanation I can come up with is channeling but I just 4 days ago put 300 lbs of sand in and filled tank rest of way with water so the sand settled in nice and dense. Again brand new filter too. Laterals fine. Help!

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      The filter is not going to get rid of the algae. You need to complete a cycle (or two… or more) of shocking, filtering, and backwashing to get rid of the algae. When the water gets hazy or cloudy white from dead algae, I suggest using a flocculant or clarifier to help the filter catch the silt.

  33. Rod Avatar

    Hi Matthew my pool filter runs dry if I attach the pool cleaner (Creepy Crawley) and then it blows back air to the skimmer box when I turn it off. All is fine until I connect the cleaner ???

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      The cleaner hose has a sucking air leak. Check the hose for pinhole sized air leaks. An easy way to do that is to take each section of hose, seal the end, and submerge it in the pool. Look for any bubbles coming from hose section (not the ends) for the source of the leak.

  34. Adriana Avatar

    Hi my pool filter does not filter but works on every other setting. It also does not make any noise

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      When was the last time you cleaned, backwashed or replaced the filter media?

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  37. Sunaj Avatar

    Dear sir,
    I installed sand filter pool filtering time Why am I getting sand in my pool from the filter? Can you please explain me.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      This “Sand In Your Pool?” article covers the common causes.

  38.  Avatar

    Put sand filter on backwash runs about ten sec. and stops takes about two min. Does it I need new sand.

  39. Stacey Avatar

    We have a DE filter, our pump runs for about 30 mins then the pressure shoots up and flow into the pool slowly goes down to nothing. We’ve bought the filter acid cleaner let the filter fingers sit over night in it. And it’s still doing the same thing. Once we bump it, the flow into the pool is harder for about 15 mins then slowly dies down again. Please help!!!

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      What model DE filter do you own? Is it a standard grid filter or the Hayward Perflex style?

      1. Stacey Avatar

        Hayward preflex extended cycle DE filter

        1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

          When was the last time the tank was was drained, the old DE and debris cleaned out of it? DE can become so caked with crud that bumping the filter doesn’t do the job anymore.

          1. Stacey Avatar

            We cleaned it out the end of last yr before putting it up for the season. It did the same thing last yr but this yr is worse.
            So this season we started the pool up and as soon as we got the pool filled and turned on the pump and filter and it started doing the same thing as last yr I went and bought the cleaner and cleaned the filter drained everything out of the pump maybe sure everything was sealed tight and started it back up. But nothing has worked

  40. Diana Carter Avatar

    When I put my pump on filter setting it does not work. It’s like it’s running but no water is flowing through it. The other settings work just fine

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      If the only setting the pump and filter are not working on is the regular filter; that usually means your filter is dirty and needs a thorough cleaning.

  41. Angela Brent Avatar

    I just hooked my filter and pump back up for the season yesterday. The hose that runs from my sand filter to my inlet has came loose twice in the last 24 hours. I have two clamps “securing” it and it still comes off, allowing the water to flow out. What causes that? I labeled all of the hoses…except for one. There’s a small chance that I mixed the skimmer-to-pump hose up with the filter-to-inlet hose…. but they look the same to me. Please help.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      If you think you mixed the hoses up, remove them and check that the ends have the same diameter. The end piece you are connecting to the inlet may be warped; in that case, you would need to replace it, and maybe get new clamps as well.

  42. Sommer Avatar

    Hi! I have a cartridge filter. When I turn on my pump the filter makes a loud vibration sound to the point we have to turn it off. The pump still works during this time and the system still seems to be working. Any idea why the filter would vibrate and make such a loud noise?

  43. Matthew Simmons Avatar

    Have you opened the filter to determine if there are any broken pieces or something jammed or blocking water flow? That would be my first move.

  44.  Avatar

    My drain valve broke on my sand filer for my swimming pool can I still use it

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Is water spurting out of the drain valve? If so, I would cease filtering until it is fixed?

  45. Dennis Avatar

    I have an above ground pool with a Haywood De filter.
    I am getting DE coming back into the pool from the return line. Does this mean I have an issue with some of the fingers in the filter?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Yes. Give this a read for a list of things to check: How To Prevent DE Filter Powder Returning to Pool

  46. Mike Avatar


    I just replaced my DE filter with the biggest Cartridge filter on the market (Hayward SwimClear C7030). 725 sq. feet.
    My pool guy replaced it on Tuesday morning, and as of today (after about 90 of hours of filtering), the pool is still the same as it was on Tuesday, i.e. a little cloudy. I can see the bottom at the deep end, but it’s not crystal clear, and my old filter would clean that easily overnight, even though it was much smaller.

    My chemistry is OK. My chlorine was around 5 on Wednesday night, and since it was raining I shocked it, and it was still around 12.5 this Saturday morning, which indicates that I don’t have algae problem.

    What could possibly have gone wrong with the filter?



  47. Denise Avatar

    Hi, I Just replaced my Hayward sand filter, and reconnected/ sealed the pipes because there was an air leak. I have been everything looks like is running fine, but the water is green regardless of chemicals. It is not clearing up even after running it for two days straight. I have backwashed and repeated the process without success. I checked the automatic chlorinator and the tablets had not dissolved in a couple of weeks. I added liquid shock, and after several hours added liquid chlorine. I now have too many chemicals in the pool and it looks the same. Although water is flowing into the skimmer, it doesn’t look like is going to it. I also tried vacuuming and there was suction. What else could it be?

    1.  Avatar


  48. Ben Avatar

    I have a Pentair Tridon II T60 sand filter, only a few days after installation of all new system, there is a hole at the bottom of the filter. The people who installed it for me said that there was a foul play, but the hole was way too big for a drill bit and it would take too much work to make a hole at the bottom instead of on the side of the tank. Please give me your opinion.

    Thank you

  49. Carmentrip Avatar

    I get black cloud out of jets on first morning startup wit alot of air. Then black stops and pools runs as normal. Noone can figure it out complete pentair sytem 20k inground pool, de filter,

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Have you checked our filter for signs of algae or mold? Do you have a pool heater on the system? Lastly, is the black cloud like a dust or dirt like substance or is it more liquid?

  50. Andy Avatar

    I’m new to using a cartridge filter. I just starting using a new cartridge and had it running all night. When I checked the cartridge just the bottom was green with algea the top was still clean white. Is that normal? Thank you

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      If your pump’s flow rate and filter pressure are fine, then there is likely nothing to worry about. The green stain is either from the shell of your filter being dirty, or algae settling to the bottom of the tank when the pump stops and system loses pressure. Water can get trapped in the filter, leaving the filter only partially submerged. Or, you have a high amount of copper in the water, which presents green staining

  51. Justin Avatar

    I can’t get the Hayward sand filter to keep pulling water from skimmer to tank. The skimmer isn’t working at all. Do you think I have an air leak? I sent water from skimmer to filter so I know there isn’t a clog. Do pump motors get too weak to pull water or should I keep checking for air leaks?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Unfortunately, I can’t diagnose much from that description. But here are a couple of guides you may want to try troubleshooting with: How To Determine Why a Pool Pump Won’t Prime & How to Identify and Correct Air Leaks

      1. Morteza Dehghani Avatar

        I have a Astralpool ECA650 sand filter (2 years in service). The filter housing is made of two halves (top and bottom). Water leaks from the joint between top and bottom halves. I am wondering if this could be repairable?

        1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

          We do not carry the parts for this filter, but this is a diagram for it, you can see the corresponding part numbers.

          Search the part numbers you need in google and there should be a host of retailers that offer it.

          1. Vin A Avatar

            My pool is salt water with an earth filter and after cleaning the filter and backwashing continusly through the summer it keeps building pressure, not sure if my cartridges are bad, was told they could be collapsing on themselves which could build up pressure…only 4 years old

          2. Matthew Simmons Avatar

            What size DE filter do you have? 24, 36, 48, 60, or 72 sq foot.

            DE grids are a fabric sheath over a plastic frame. If their structural integrity were in question, you’d likely see sagging or feel loose pieces of plastic frame in the grid.

            How much DE are you putting in the filter after backwashing? You may be adding too much DE for your filter size.

  52. Cameron Avatar

    My pool filter cartridge is stuck inside the housing, and will not pull out. any tricks you know of to get it out?

    1. Ron Manzo Avatar

      I my filter pump makes noises and shakes when I put it up to 3-00 RPM’s

  53. Jason Avatar

    I have a bestway 1500 pool pump and broken white plastic pieces are at the bottom where the filter goes

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Are you trying to find a replacement pool pump or parts for the one you have? Regarding the latter, we do not carry Bestway parts. We may be able to track down a parts diagram for you though.

  54. Tushar Bhole Avatar

    I have a Hayward S270T Sand filter purchased by my earlier owner about 7 years back. when i start the pump water leaks in a jet from the area connecting the filter and the valve/diverter. One reputed pool service company told me to replace the filter and another pool maintenance handy man said you need to replace the top valve diverter. When I checked this closely, it looks like there is a crack in the filter body but am not sure. Can you let me know I should a. Seal the entire circular area connecting the valve and the filter body b. Replace the valve/diverter or c. Replace the entire Sand filter? Appreciate your help here

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      This is something I would need a picture of to be sure of the filter parts you are referring to. If two different pros looked at it and gave different verdicts, I need eyes-on. You can post a dropbox, google drive, or Imgur share link.

  55. Abraham Avatar

    The bottom half of my pool filter Pentair 4000 series just cracked when I turned on my pump to heat the jacuzzi. Should I replace the bottom half or the whole thing? Is it worth it to replace the pump as well, it’s variable filter but at least 7 years old, if not more.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      If the filter is only 7 years old, and the rest of the parts are in relatively good condition, I’d just replace the tank bottom. Do you know why the bottom cracked? Had something banged into id into it beforehand? Seems odd for a filter to bust like that at that age.

  56. Betty Avatar

    When I put Hayward pump in the filter position it seems like nothing is going on. Very little water movement.

  57. Marshall M Loveless Avatar

    was cleaning filter basket at the pump and decided to lube the gasket now can’t get it back on, seem like it’s to big.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      There’s a slight possibility you stretched out the gasket while lubing it. You can keep trying to get it to fit, or pick up a new gasket.

  58. Brian Cloke Avatar

    I have a Hayward filter S-180-H, sometime when vacuum to waste, I get dirty water from the return jets. This should not be happening.

    Thanks Brian

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Your filter may have a cracked lateral; you’d need to open it and remove the sand to check its structural integrity.

      By the way, S180H (SX180H) is the part number for the drain cap of the filter, but it is not the tank’s model number.

  59. Van Stein Avatar

    My Hayward filter has some wetness underneath. The pool is losing the water slowly. There is no leak anywhere in the system. Can it mean the filter is cracked at the bottom which I cannot see or can there be another reason?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      It could be. You should ensure the filter’s drain cap is on tightly. If the water level drop in your pool is noticeable, you should see a lot more water around the pool equipment if the filter was the only source for the leak.

  60. Pau Avatar

    My pool filter is not holding water. (I normally fill it to above the intake line. When I do so, the water leaks out, although I don’t see water anywhere around the unit). What’s going on? Thanks for any info…

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      Are you talking about a classic standalone filter found on most pools? Or do you have a filter/skimmer combo on some above ground pools? If it is the latter, the issue is likely that the water level in the pool is not high enough. Most above ground pool systems are gravity fed, which means prime is pretty much guaranteed, not dependent on the pump/plumbing to create and maintain a vacuum lock.

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