When you browse the internet, there aren’t a lot of resources for swimming pool shock. Sure, you can find single articles here and there, but you won’t find a single page that shares multiple resources. That is, until now.
In this blog article, we provide multiple resources for pool shock that help new and old pool owners alike.
1. What Are The Differences In Shocks

In this article, you learn exactly what is shock and about the differences between the various pool shock you might find online or in your local pool stores.
2. Too Much Shock In The Pool

In this article, we discuss how to determine if you have too much shock in your pool and what to do if you find yourself in this situation.
3. How To Shock Your Pool With Granular Chlorine

A lot of pool owners understand what shock is and when they might need to shock their pools. However, do you know exactly how to shock your pool with granular shock? In this article, we go through the steps and provide helpful “do’s and dont’s” to help you along the way.
4. How Long After I Shock My Pool Can I Swim?

We wrote this article after getting tons of questions asking us how long after you shock the pool is it safe to swim.
5. How Often Should I Shock My Pool?

Shocking your pool is a typical maintenance routine for most pool owners. However, do you know how often you should shock your pool? In this article, we discuss when and how often you should shock your pool.
6. Automatic Pool Cleaners & Shock- Do They Mix?

Can you run your automatic pool cleaner and shock your pool at the same time? Or, do you run the risk of damaging your cleaner? We answer all of your concerns in this episode of Poolside Chat.
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