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How to Find Out What Replacement DE Grids are Right for You

Which replacement DE GRid size do I need?

Picking the right-sized replacement DE grids can be accomplished in one of three ways: using the filter model tag information, measuring your old grids, or using internal parts to backtrace your filter’s model. If you have any questions about your filter or an interesting way you tracked down replacements grids, leave a comment below.

Filter Model and Size

Your filter’s specifications tag should have all the information you need to find the right replacement grids. Your filter’s model tag is stamped with the filter’s make, model, and size. This information should give you enough breadcrumbs to lead you to the correct DE grids.

Pentair FNSP36 Label
Pentair FNSP36 Label

Take a look at this Pentair FNS Plus filter label. You can see the manufacturer’s name (Pentair), the model name (FNS plus), and can see the range of sizes for this series. In addition, you can see the FNSP36 line is hole-punched which identifies it as your specific filter’s size.

Most DE filter model numbers will list the grid square footage; try these as examples:

Measure Your Old DE Grids

Measuring your old DE grids should give you the width and length to identifying the correct grid size. 

Currently, most manufactured DE filters use the curved grid style. This standardization provides us a common size that we can use to find the replacement grids. The pool industry’s standard curved style DE grids come in five different sizes: 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 square feet. Their respective lengths are 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 inches. 

A standard curved grid pack of eight includes seven full grids (11.5 inches) and a partial (9.5 inches). If you substitute just a few of these DE grids, measure the width to ensure you’re picking the correct size.

Older models, like the Jacuzzi Earthworks and Avalanche, use non-curved replacement DE grids. Be sure to measure all of your grids, as these models can use several grid sizes.

If model info is unreadable, use internal part numbers and grid size to identify.

Your filter’s information tag is exposed to the elements year-round will result in fading, which leads to it being unreadable. In these cases, how do we find the right DE grids? The filter’s internal parts hold the key to finding your filter model size. You should be able to recognize the manufacturer with that part number, and, with that, you can find your model using our Filter Parts Finder Guide. Your top manifold, grid base, tank shell, and air relief assembly are recommended to check for identifying numbers. This information, coupled with the grid size measurements we took above, should ID the grid you need

After you’ve found the right grids, check this video for a guide on installing them too.

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Matthew Simmons
Swimming pool expert at InyoPools and host of Poolside Chat, brings over a decade of experience in the pool industry.

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7 responses to “How to Find Out What Replacement DE Grids are Right for You”

  1. Avatar

    Some of the plastic cups are broken on my grids is that a problem

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      What plastic cups are you referring to? Do you mean the plastic nozzles at the end of the grids that insert into the top manifold? If nozzles are broken, the connection may not seal properly. Also, I’d keep an eye out for DE powder in your pool; If that starts to happen, you would need to replace the offending grids.

  2. William Avatar

    Are the 7 full grids of a hayward de grid assembly the exact same size, shape, and configuration. I.E. identical. or are they slightly bent, angled etc differently wrt each grid?

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      The full-size grids are all the same dimensions and configuration; they are interchangeable with one another.

  3. Georgia Avatar

    So I have an issue with dirt and sand getting into the pool after I run filter. The sand was changed this year and everything in the sand filter is all set including the laterals. We’ve also changed the multiport valve. What else could it be? The pool is clear and it does not appear if I keep the pool on recirculate.

    1. Matthew Simmons Avatar

      What do you mean the laterals are “all set”? Have you checked them since this dirt issue has arisen? Or are you going by the state of them when you put in the new sand? If it is the latter, then you need to recheck them. A lot could have happened since that sand was replaced.

      Does the sand you see in the pool collect around the main drain? Or can you see it flow from the return line? If it collects around the main drain after the pump turns off, your pump is losing prime, causing debris to backflush out of your filter and into the pool through the main drain.

  4. Robert Avatar

    I have an FNS Plus 60 DE filter and after I clean the grids (completely taking them out and spraying all DE and debris off) my pressure goes down to normal (around 13-15psi) and stays there for a few days then goes back into the high 20’s to 30. It will do this even when I do not add DE back into the filter. The grids were last replaced in 2018, does this seem like a symptom of the grids needing to be replaced? I am able to reproduce this problem over and over, also the breather tube is usually covered in debris when I clean open the filter. I do have a decent amount of debris that gets into the pool from the trees this time of year but my skimmers are pulling all of the large stuff out and this problem has been happening for a few months. Thanks for any help!

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