Living in Florida you become quite accustomed to flash showers, lightning, and hurricanes. Sometimes, storms may brew instantaneously and dissolve within a thirty minute span. Typical Florida weather for ya. There is very little you can do in those types of situations. Some storms though, like hurricanes, you can prepare for. And although you cannot predict how severe the weather will get, pool owners must be ready at all times to help protect their swimming pool from damages caused by storms, floods, and fires.
There is no way to completely keep debris out of your pool. Still, pool owners should be mindful of the necessary steps it takes to prevent as much damage as possible. Storms with high winds and strong rainfall can bring dirt and debris into your pool, while flooding can increase the amount of contaminants like mud, silt, and bacteria. To help prevent unnecessary damage, here’s a list of recommendations we compiled that should aid in protecting your swimming pool from Mother Nature.
Do NOT Remove the Water From Your Pool
Your first natural instinct might be to remove the water from your pool to prevent flooding and contamination. Please don’t. Removing all the water from your pool leaves your pool walls and floor unprotected. Large debris can cause scratches and dents to the pool walls. In some cases, your pool can literally “pop” out of the ground. The underground water tables rises during storms and floods and without water in your pool, the pool can rise on the water table. Keeping the contaminated water keeps your pool in place and makes it a little easier to clean up.
Turn Power OFF on Pool Equipment

It’s very likely that your pump, motor, filter,or control system may come in contact with large amounts of water during a storm. It is essential that you take the time to protect your equipment by cutting the power off. You want to turn off the circuit breakers to all pool equipment including: pump, motor, filter, chlorinator, heater, and lighting fixtures. This prevents any electrical issues that may occur from excessive water exposure.

Remove Yard and Pool Deck Furniture and Debris
Any type of free standing object is liable to be blown or carried away amidst a storm, potentially damaging your pool, car, or home. If you have time before a storm approaches, remove toys, furniture, and any other objects that may be dangerous during a storm.

Trim Branches From Surrounding Trees
You won’t have time to trim your branches before every storm however, if time does allow, we highly recommend you trim the trees in the areas surrounding your home and pool. Trimming and removing branches drastically reduces the chances of serious injuries and damages.
Check and Balance Water Chemistry
During a storm, it is inevitable that your pool water will become contaminated with dirt and debris. Balancing your pool water and adding an algae controller prior to a storm will save you a lot in damage control after the storm. Adding an algaecide, like the Algae Prevent 60, eliminates the majority of organic contaminants that blow into your pool. Any other contaminants remaining in your pool can be removed by shocking your pool once the storm subsides

Do NOT Cover Your Pool
Again, although your first instinct may be to throw your winter cover or safety cover over your pool, we recommend that you do not. Putting on a cover may actually cause more damage. High winds can cause your cover to lift up off the ground, defeating its purpose altogether. Additionally, putting a cover on your pool leaves your cover vulnerable to sharp, flying objects. Balancing your pool water after the storm is a lot cheaper than replacing a whole pool cover. Not to mention, you won’t have to deal with trying to remove a cover full of water and debris.
After the Storm

After the storm has cleared and you’re ready to address your pool’s damage, the first thing you want to do is remove any debris from your pool. This helps decrease contamination and prevents the pool from staining. Next, check and balance your water chemistry. Balance water pH or shock your pool and then run your pool filter until the water becomes clear. Do not allow anyone to use the pool during this time
Although it may be tempting to drain your pool, again please do not. Be sure to check your pool equipment for any damages. Let your motor dry off for a 24 hour period before running. Once everything dries, check your electrical system and power on equipment. If in doubt, do not hesitate to call a licensed, insured pool repair company to come inspect your equipment.
If you have any questions about preparing your pool for a storm or if you need help recovering from an unexpected storm, give us a call and speak with one our technicians. We’re more than happy to get your pool back up and running again.
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